15 August 2020

Community Alert

Gardaí ask you to be highly vigilant at this present time and keep an eye out for any suspicious vehicles around the area. A large number of dog thefts have been reported throughout the country recently.

Gardaí are aware this is making dog owners feel unsafe and worried about their beloved pets. They advise you take extra precautions for their safety and report any movements of persons unknown to you to them.

They ask you try and get a photo or Reg number to assist them in their investigations. The Streete Watch message is clear. “Prompt communication is the key weapon in the fight against crime”.

Streete Watch in partnership with an Gardaí Siochana aims to help the people of Streete parish and surrounding Districts to protect their homes, businesses and our community against burglary, fraud and anti-social behaviour.

Please save these numbers to your phone Garda

Or if you need to discuss anything in private call 087 1375222.

Face Masks

The Government has announced that from Monday 10th of August face coverings must now be worn in all shops, retail settings and shopping centres. This is in response to help stop the spread of the virus.

Church Notes

Fr Nigel would like to thank everyone for their patience and understanding over the past number of months and welcomes everyone back to our churches. He would also like to let you know that visiting of the sick and housebound will resume in August.

Under current restrictions Fr Nigel will have to be invited by the sick person or a family member before he can visit their home with the sacraments, please call in advance.

Streete Wildlife Club

The following are the results from our 100 Bird competition held on the August bank holiday weekend.

The club would like to especially thank KBG Accountants Cavan & Longford for coming on board as main sponsor of this event. Also to all shooters from near and far who came to support Streete Wildlife club, and to our club members who gave up their time on both Saturday and Sunday to fill traps and referee etc the club is extremely very grateful.

The club would like to offer its sincere sympathy to Sean Flood and family Clonmore Lismacaffrey on the recent death of his wife Maureen. May she rest in peace.

Boherquill Ramblers

The Ramblers met at Taughmon church near Mullingar on Sunday 9 August 2020 for a 7km loop walk through Gaulmoylestown. On the way they passed Gaulmoylestown Lake where the banks were lined with anglers.

The smell of recently-cut grass was in the air and several times the group were passed by tractors and trailers as the local farmers were busy drawing in silage.

On Sunday 23 August the Ramblers will walk in Castlepollard. Cars will leave Boherquill at 1.30pm and meet outside the Town and Country pub on the Square in Castlepollard at 2pm for a 9 km road and cross-country walk. Boots should be worn for this walk.

If you intend to walk please contact Nini at 086 8754411 or Philip at 087 7753612 before Sunday. See boherquillramblers.ie for more information and Covid-19 Safety Guidelines.


Please remember Neighbours, lockdown ain’t over yet it has just eased. PHASE 3 has now commenced on 29th June, you should still stay at home as much as you possibly can. Travel no further than necessary away from your home. Department of the Taoiseach - Keep informed, keep your distance, and stay safe.

NOTE: If you would like to remind us of an upcoming event or would like to have something mentioned in the Streete and District notes, please email kbrady1964@gmail.com or call Kevin 087 1375222 before 5pm Saturday at the latest.

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