10 March 2019

Drop In Morning

The parish monthly get together for March took place in Streete Parish Park Centre on Thursday morning of last week which was extremely wet and as a result our numbers were down.  The next similar meeting is from 10.30 to 12.30 on the first Thursday of the month which will be Thursday, April 4th.  It is just a get together, not a meeting and a variety of subjects which affect residents can be discussed with a cup of tea/coffee and a bun/tart, so why not take a note of 4th April.  All welcome.

Social Dance

Our next Social Dance takes place in Streete Parish Park Centre on this Friday, 15th March from 10.30p.m.-12.30a.m.  Music will be supplied by the ever popular John Hogan.  Admission including supper and free raffle €10 - All welcome.

Dancing Lessons

Dancing lessons with James & Bernie every Sunday night in Streete Parish Park starting at 8.00p.m. Any enquiries to 086 2008739.

Daffodil Day

As in previous years the members of St. John’s Church of Ireland are holding their usual event in the Church in Streete Village on Saturday, 22nd March at 10.00a.m., where daffodils, cakes, etc. will be on sale with all donations appreciated and forwarded to The Irish Cancer Society.  If you can spare the time please call to the Church.  All very welcome.

Dinner Party

The Chairman and elected committee of Streete Parish Park would like to have the pleasure of your company at our Golden Year’s Dinner Party on Sunday, 24th March in the Parish Centre at 3.00p.m.  There will be a full 4 course sit down meal.  Please let Kevin know on 087 1375222 if you can attend, also if you have any special dietary requirements or a vegetarian preference.

We look forward to all our Senior citizens who can, attend.  Entertainment and spot prizes on the day.  Any offers of spot prizes will be greatly received.  RSVP to Kevin by 20th of March, please.  Catering once again this year is by Ferricks Hotel Staff, Rathowen.


It was discussed at last week’s drop in morning and explained that the Defibrillator at the Parish Park is available 24 hours a day if required, but for it to be of use in a life-saving situation we intend holding a training session some evening or night.

If interested and prepared to get involved please contact Kevin 087 1375222 or Declan 086 8123514 or Mary or Anne in the office 043 6685926 or just leave your name and number so you can be contacted.  This will be of great benefit to the district and now is your chance to get trained.


Streete Parish Park intends taking part in the St Patrick’s Day Parade in Castlepollard and will appreciate any help and support on offer.


Many people in this parish wish to sympathise with the parishioners in Coole and also in Castlepollard due to break-ins and vandalism in both Churches.  Please let this be a reminder to be vigilant regarding security of your property and vehicles.  If not already a member of our Community Alert group please think about it and call Kevin on 087 1375222 for any information.

Table Tennis/Badminton

If interested in getting a group together please contact Tracey 087 9287129.

Boherquill Ramblers

Unfortunately the Ramblers walk in Ballymahon on Sunday 3 March 2019 was unable to go ahead due to severe weather conditions.

On Sunday 17 March 2019, St. Patrick's Day, the Ramblers will walk from Leitrim Village to Drumshanbo in County Leitrim. A bus will leave the car park beside the Fire Station in Mullingar at 10am sharp. The walk will take about three hours on road, canal towpath and the new floating boardwalk on Acres Lake. There will also be a visit to Glenview Folk Museum near Ballinamore. Please bring bus fare and a packed lunch. Please take note of this early start.

Club members who are joining the trip to Wales for the 2019 June Bank Holiday weekend are asked to pay the balance of the full price to Nini Murray by the end of March 2019.

New members and new walks are always welcome. For details phone Philip at 087 7753612 or Nini at 086 8754411or see boherquillramblers.ie

St. Fintan's N.S. Lismacaffrey - Enrolling for 2019

Enrolment Forms for new pupils for the school year 2018/2019 are now available for collection at the school.
School Telephone No. 043 6685233
Email: lismacaffreyns@eircom.net
Website: www.lismacaffreyns@scoilnet.ie

Streete Wildlife Club

We held a presentation night on Friday, 8th in the clubhouse where we handed over a cheque for €1,251 to Karina Ivers and Pat Caffrey, two representatives from the Irish Heart Foundation . They both said a few words and were extremely happy with the donation, again many thanks to everybody who supported the game tasting night and to everyone who donated spot prizes.

Round five of the Spring League complete with over 60 shooters taking part, going by the scores Longford man Nigel McCloughrey is just out in front by the skin of his nose but that could all change on Thursday night!.  Would all shooters please note that this Thursday is the last night to record a score, you must have four scores recorded in order to shoot in the final on the 21st of March.

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