17 February 2019

Social Dance

There was a great increase in numbers at our Social Dance at Street Parish Park on Friday last with top class music by matt Leavy.  Our next Social Dance date is Friday, 15th March when music will be provided by John Hogan.  Reminders nearer the date in these notes.

Dancing lessons

With James & Bernie every Sunday night in Streete Parish Park starting at 8.00p.m. Any enquiries to 086 2008739.


In Feericks Hotel, Rathowen on 9th March.  Music by Mary O’Connor and Pat Kelly.

Boherquill Ramblers

There was a large turnout of Ramblers at Newcastle Forest near Ballymahon on Sunday 10 February 2019. They followed the new trail outside the Center Parcs holiday complex which is nearing completion and is due to open this summer.

On Sunday 24 February 2019 the Ramblers will meet at Mary Lynch's pub at Coralstown near Mullingar for a 10 km walk out through Heathstown Bog and back along the Royal Canal towpath. Cars will leave Boherquill at 1.30pm and meet at Mary Lynch's at 2pm.

Club members who are joining the trip to Wales for the 2019 June Bank Holiday weekend are asked to pay the balance of the full price to Nini Murray by the end of March 2019.
New members and new walks are always welcome. For details phone Philip at 087 7753612 or Nini at 086 8754411 or see boherquillramblers.ie

Table Quiz

In aid of Coole/Whitehall Community Games on Friday, 9th march at 9.00p.m.  Tables of 4 €40.  All welcome.

National School

National school are now enrolling for September 2019.  Enrolment forms available at the School.  Contact number 0436685233.

Tractor Run

This year’s Annual Streete Parish Park Tractor Run will take place in aid of charities, St. Christopher’s & Llarc.  More details nearer the date.


To book our Centre for parties, sports etc. please contact Tracey on 087 9287129.

Streete Wildlife Club

Despite the night that was in it over 50 guns took part in round two of the spring league, with scores coming back in the high 30s.  Top Gun on the night was Longford and Nigel McCloughrey with a perfect score of 40/40 - well done Nigel.

Two men also cleared the ball trap with a perfect score of 10/10, Shane Kelly Moydow and Declan Mcloughlin, Mostrim, they go forward now to the shoot off on March 21st next.  So see you all again next week for more of the same. Streete Wildlife Club would like to offer its sincere sympathy to Aine Kiernan Coolamber on the recent death of her father. May he rest in peace.

Streete Lotto

The numbers drawn in last week’s Streete Lotto were: - 2,16,17 23.  Winners were Dolores &Janet, Rathowen:Johnny Finnan: James Farrar.  Our next Lotto Draw will be on 25th February 2019.  Thanks to all for your continued support of our lotto.

Get Fit- Stay Fit Program

New Year Get Fit- Stay Fit Program is now up andrunning in Streete Parish Park on Friday evening at 7 pm. Barry Webb a Professional Trainer with great experience working with sports partnerships in Longford and Westmeath is offering personal Weight Loss and Fitness Instruction. Barry’s co-partner Shannon who is also a fitness instructor assisted in the weigh in and working out a personal fitness and diet plan best suited to each person who attended.

Barry tells me he had a full class and welcomes new comers to sign up any Friday evening at 6.15 before the class starts at 7. The class is open to Men and Women of all ages. We are delighted to have Barry come on board with the Parish Park to offer this great service. Anyone who valued Weightwatchers will welcome Barry’s personal program focused on you on a one to one basis.

Each program will run for six weeks at a time starting with a weight in and a strategic plan drawn up for you to manage your food and inspire you to take part in a weekly fitness program in the Parish Park. The cost of the six-week program is €50 which is fantastic value when you consider you have your own personal trainer to mentor you along the way.

Tell your friends and come along to see for yourself. Barry suggests you come in suitable working out gear and soft footwear and remember to bring a bottle of water. For more call Barry on 085 770 8679 to book your place.

Walking Track Membership

It is great to see new members joining up to use our walking track. The walking track has proved a great success and enjoyed by many from a wide area. The Parish Park Committee would like to thank everyone who paid for membership for the past number of years and would like to remind you that your membership is now due for renewal.

All members will be contacted in the coming weeks. New member application forms can be found in the entrance hall of the Parish Park or by calling into the office upstairs Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday from 10 am until 2 pm. Alternatively you can pick up a membership application form in the shop in Lisryan or the shop in Streete.

Single membership is €20 and a family is €30. We also remind you this facility is a huge benefit to our community. We have had some reports of dog fowling over the past year. This may have been one offs but if you see deliberate dog fowling allowed by it owner we ask you to please report to any of our committee or in the office or call Declan 086 8123514 or Kevin 087 1375222. All cheques made payable to Streete Parish Park.

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