28 July 2019


We extend sincere sympathy to Ned Flood and his family, Edgeworthstown on the death of his wife, Chrissie. Her remains were removed  from Our Lady’s Manor to the Parish Church.  Chrissie died in Mullingar Hospital and is survived by her husband Ned, son Peter, daughter in law, Sinead, grandchildren, Grace & Conor, sister May O’Reilly, extended family and many friends.
Her burial followed Mass in St. Mary’s Church, Edgeworthstown on Monday.  May she rest in peace.  Chrissie was a great supporter with her husband Ned of Streete Parish Park Bingo where she will be remembered by her many friends who will miss her.

Killucan Vintage Club

held their annual tractor run commencing at Kevin Moores tractor garage last Sunday followed by a B.B.Q at Moore’s premises afterwards.  A raffle organised by the Moore family with a large number of prizes also took place in aid of charity.  Our Streete parish Park Vintage Club along with many clubs from all over, including Northern Ireland were well represented on the day.

Cemetery Sunday

I am informed that on Cemetery Sunday recently the gate collection at the cemeteries amounted to €75.44 which goes towards expensed at the graveyard.  The graveyard committee wish to say thank you for your contributions.  Anyone who missed and wishes to contribute can contact Micheal Fagan or Seamus Denning.

Legan Vintage

Held their annual tractor run last Sunday week which was most enjoyable in bad weather conditions.  It started and ended at Connaughton’s, Rathowen.

Active Retirement

At our last meeting held on 11th July it was decided to go to Omagh Folkpark on Thursday, 8th August for our day’s outing.  Approx. cost is €50.  If you are interested please reply a.s.a.p to 087 0695148 or Parish Park Office 043 66 85926. Our next meeting will be held on Thursday, 1st August to finalise the Arrangements.

Streete Lotto

The numbers drawn in Streete Parish Park Lotto Draw were: - 1,3,8,23 and the winners were: - Ann Kiernan, Boherquill, Carol Duffy and B. Fryday, Ballinalee.  Thank to to everyone for your continued support for our lotto.  Next Lotto Draw will be held on the 29th July.

Boherquill Ramblers

The weather held dry for most of the Ramblers Family Day in Boora Bog Discovery Park on Sunday 21 July 2019. After tea and buns in the Visitor Centre they visited the Sculpture Park where a couple of  old  Bord na Mona locomotives had been added to the other large-scale exhibits. Then on to the Mesolithic Trail, named after the site where traces of some of the earliest signs of human activity in Ireland have been found.

All around there was an abundance of wild flowers, especially in the Grey Partridge Conservation Area where the numbers of the birds are slowly increasing after being threatened with extinction a few years ago. The pastel blue flowers of chicory and many shades of orchids were striking.

The rain started near the end of the walk so the group had to take cover for their post-walk refreshments but this didn't spoil the enjoyment of the day.  Many thanks to Club Chair Eileen Moreton who organised the day.

The Ramblers will meet again on Sunday 1 September in Newtowncashel for a walk to Saints Island.
New members and new walks are always welcome. For details phone Philip at 087 7753612 or Nini at 086 8754411.  See boherquillramblers.ie

Granard Motte Draw

The following is a list of Granard Motte Community Enterprise "GMCE Winners for June: -

  • €500 Jimmy Garvey, Rinroe
  • €250 Elish McGivney, Granardkill
  • €100 Sacred Heart National School, Granard
  • €100 Sinead Fay, Beechwood
  • €100 Patricia Gettings, Lisryan

This was our last draw for 2018/2019. Our ticket sellers are now out selling tickets for 2019/20. Your continued support  would be greatly appreciated.

In light of our recent publicity and funding  some have asked why we need to continue selling tickets for our 500 draw.  I am delighted to answer this. The funding received from the Department of Rural affairs and Failte Ireland is granted  specifically for  the future development of our Norman themed heritage park and only that.

The ticket sales are for the  repayment of our mortgage (originally €175,000) on our present Knights and Conquest Centre. With this in mind here are some of our keystone achievements to date thanks to you.

  • 2012 Purchased 2 buildings and 15 acres from NAMA for €265,000 and launch of our 500 draw
  • 2015 Obtained mortgage for €175,000
  • 2018 Official opening 21st September of Knights and Conquest Centre
  • 2019 Awarding of €2,800,000 from Dept. of Rural Development for development of Heritage park
  • 2019 Official announcement by Failte Ireland of award of €640,000 towards development of Norman
  • Heritage Park
  • 2019 Outstanding mortgage to date €78,000
  • 2021 Proposed opening of Anglo-Norman Heritage Park"

All this means continued support is needed and we wish continued good will and support to all concerned.  For any further information contact Tom Donnelly on 086 6086006 or email tdonn80@hotmail.com

Thank you again to all the community for your ongoing support.

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