07 July 2019

Golden Jubilee

Fr. Pat Leslie brother of Larry Leslie and Kathleen Mc Givern attended Rath National School in this parish many years ago.Fr. Pat was ordained in Carlow Cathedral on 7th June 1969 for the diocese of Sacramento U S A. Fr Pat’s Golden Jubilee was celebrated at our parish mass in St Mary’s church Boherquill on Sunday last, 21st July at 11.00a.m.

Refreshments were held afterwards in the Parish Park Centre where family and friends met for a chat and renewed old friendships. We wish Fr.Pat good health and happiness in the years ahead, which we hope are many.

Boherquill Ramblers

The  Olde Fair Day in Ballinamuck on Sunday 14 July 2019 was a good excuse for the Ramblers to get out for an early walk. They began their walk at 11am beside the 1798 Memorial Hall in the village, a reminder of the Battle of Ballinamuck where the French forces supporting the 1798 Irish Rebellion were defeated. The Ramblers enjoyed a delightful road and bog walk with honeysuckle in the hedgerows and foxgloves among the many wild flowers on the roadside verges.

The village itself was full of containers of brightly coloured flowers on every windowsill and wall. The Ramblers picnicked in the beautiful Remembrance Garden and visited the beautifully restored Johnny's Cottage where a welcoming turf fire awaited them.

After their picnic the Ramblers joined the crowds at the Olde Fair where there was music, food and many other attractions. Thank you to Marian Carty who led the walk.

On Sunday 28 July 2019 the Ramblers will visit Fleming's Folly near Ballinagh. Cars will leave Boherquill at 1.30pm and meet in the car park at the Community Centre in Ballinagh at 2pm. The walk is a 9km mix of road and forest trail.

This walk is the Ramblers last outing before their August break, they will meet again on Sunday 1 September in Newtowncashel for a walk to Saints Island.

New members and new walks are always welcome. For details phone Philip at 087 7753612 or Nini at 086 8754411.  See boherquillramblers.ie

St. Fintan’s Cemetery Boherquill

Once again we thank everyone who cleaned and tidied the plots in the cemetery for Cemetery Sunday on the 7th July last, and for supporting the collection on the day. The total amount collected was €732.

Active Retirement

At our last meeting held on 11th July it was decided to go to Omagh Folkpark on Thursday, 8th August for our day’s outing.  Approx. cost is €50.  If you are interested please reply a.s.a.p to 087 0695148 or Parish Park Office 043 66 85926. Our next meeting will be held on Thursday, 1st August to finalise the Arrangements.   ​

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