10 April 2022

Author: Kevin Brady
Published:  Sunday, April, 10, 2022
Streete & District Notes

Social Dancing

Because of our drive-in Bingo this Friday our Social Dancing will be on this Thursday night in The Parish Park. Colm Harney from Newry is one of the most talented artists in country music and I'm told he never fails to put on a brilliant night of entertainment. Colm is well known in music circles and plays alongside some of the country's big names of country music. So why not come out and support your Parish Park and enjoy a real night of live music. free supper, raffle door prizes and lots more all for only €10

Granard Easter Parade

After two years of covid the Granard Easter Parade is back this coming Easter Sunday at 3 pm. All floats are welcome, please met up at the Mart before 2 pm. The usual street entertainment and children's fun will be provided, please come and support and hopefully the sun shines down.

Census 2022 

Enumerators are calling back to your homes to collect your census forms. The forms must have been completed on the night of the census, April 3rd, and will be collected by your enumerator shortly. Please make sure to have signed the back inside page, if you need help to complete the form your Enumerator will happily oblige. Your Enumerators. Kevin, Isabella and Joe are local and known to you. Please be aware of bogus callers proclaiming to be Enumerators if in any doubt call Gardaí or Kevin, Streete Watch 087 1375222

Drive-in Bingo

We ask you to spread the great news to your fellow bingo fans, this coming Friday we will have a special Good Friday Bingo in the Parish Park car park at 7 pm sharp. €3000 in prize money to give away, Please spread the news near and far and if successful it might become a regular event, we also ask for 1-hour volunteer help on the day please help if possible.

Community Alert

Your local Community Alert has undoubtedly made our community a happier and safer place to live. We are very grateful for your continued support. We are bringing the collection of subscriptions forward this year in order to purchase and carry out sign replacement and other improvements around the area. To help our volunteers who are continuously working to help protect your area and your property we remind you to please pay your €10 subscription into our Bank of Ireland account. NAME: Streete Community Alert. BIC: BOFI IE 2D and IBAN: IE20BOFI 9017 4987 391568 Account 8739 1568 and our Sort code 90-17-49 OR Pay into the Parish Park Letterbox, remembering to put your: NAME and Eircode with 2 mobile numbers of contact. You will receive a text message from our Treasurer confirming your payment. On behalf of Streete Watch committee, we thank you.

Now Enrolling

St. Fintan's N.S. Lismacaffrey: Are Now Enrolling for September 2022 Please contact the school via email or telephone to request an Enrolment Form. School Telephone No. 043 6685233 or Email: stfintansnslismacaffrey@gmail.com


The Parish Park Committee are grateful to everyone who supports our online bingo. Bingo remains our main source of income and provides the funding to keep the lights on and all the bills paid. We remind you that there is up to €6300 in prize money to be won every Monday night on our online bingo and €3950 in our fortnightly Lotto draw. All we ask is you continue to support us to keep our community centre open. 

Blessing of Homes

Fr. Pierre is continuing with the blessings of homes. If you like to have your home blessed, please contact Fr. Pierre on 043 6685847 or 087 6960542

Parish Park Walking Track Membership

We remind you that your membership is now due for renewal. New application forms can be found in the membership box at the entrance gate of the walking track or by calling into the girls on Fridays from 10 am until 2 pm. Single membership is €20, and a family is €30. Membership would make a great present to someone. Gift vouchers are available from the office or please ask any of the Committee or Kevin 087 1375222. All cheques made payable to Streete Parish Park.

Seniors Alert Scheme

The senior alert monitor is a great benefit to anyone over the age of 65 or someone who has a mobility issue. If you already have a personal monitored alarm, we can organise it to be upgraded free of charge. for more information contact Kevin 087 1375222 Paula 087 9680739 


All dogs are banned from the premises and walking track unless the dog is a registered special needs dog, i.e. a guide dog. If you have an issue with this decision and would like to discuss it further, please call me on 087 1375222 or any committee member. Thank you. 

Lotto Draw

Monday, March 28th Numbers drawn: 5, 9, 16, 24 Jackpot €3950 No winner. Lucky Dip Winners for €25 each. Mary Kelly (Online) Anne Creamer    (Online) Paudi O’Neill Russagh and John J Keary Streete. The next draw is on Monday, April 11th. The jackpot will be €4000. Thank you for your continued support.

Easter Ceremonies

Holy Thursday, Lords Supper (Boherquill at 8pm) Good Friday, Passion (Rathowen at 3pm) Stations of the Cross (Boherquill at 8 pm)

Easter Vigil – Boherquill at 9 pm

With Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane

Vigil from 11 pm Holy Thursday night until 3 am Good Friday morning will take place in Boherquill church, we will keep watch with Jesus remembering his agony in the garden before his Passion on Good Friday.

Masses & Adoration this week Streete/Rathowen 

  • This coming Sunday is the 5th week of lent, Easter Sunday.
  • Vigil Mass Holy Saturday in Boherquill at 8 Pm.
  • Holy Thursday Lords Supper Boherquill 8 Pm.
  • Good Friday Passion Rathowen at 3 Pm and Stations of the Cross in Boherquill at 8 pm.
  • Remember in your prayers, the souls of all who have gone before us to their eternal rest.

Masses: This Week

  • Tuesday, 12th April, Boherquill 9.30 Am.
  • Wednesday, 13th April, Rathowen 9.30 am.
  • Holy Thursday 14th April.
  • The Lord's Last Supper Rathowen 9.30 am.
  • Friday 15th April, The Passion Rathowen at 3 pm.
  • Stations of the Cross Boherquill, 8, pm 


Continues in Rathowen on Tuesday at 7 pm and Boherquill on Thursday at 7 pm. We ask, in your prayers to please remember, family, neighbours and all who are suffering from illness at this time. For Mass bookings or any other enquiries please call Fr Pierre Pepper 043 6685847 or 087 6960542

Ukraine Collection

€1,185 was raised at the Mass collections last weekend, thanks to all who contributed.

First Holy Communion

Will take place in Rathowen on Saturday, 14th May and Boherquill on Saturday, 28th May

Men’s Prayer Group

It was wonderful to see so many men coming together to pray and enjoy refreshments afterwards. We meet each Monday in the church in Boherquill at 8 pm. New participants are always most welcome to join us and receive the support of other men in their prayer and personal life.

Eucharist Ministers for April

Holy Saturday, Alice Nerney. Saturday 23rd Orla O’Hara Saturday 30th Michael Savage. Reader Holy Saturday, April 16th Enda Murphy Saturday 23rd Louise Tiernan. Saturday 30th Lilly Cassidy.

Boherquill Ramblers

The Ramblers had a very busy weekend on Saturday 2 and Sunday 3 April 2022. On Saturday some of the Ramblers were among the many who walked in Mullaghmeen Forest as part of the nationwide Climb with Charlie walks.

The Ramblers joined the large crowd who set out from Ringtown GAA Club for its Climb with Charlie walk on Sunday to head for the summit of Knockeyon where they were entertained with songs from Liam Fagan. The weather was perfect for the walk whose highlight was the wonderful views of Lough Derravaragh and the surrounding countryside.

Thank you to the Delamere family for allowing access to Knockeyon and to Liam for the music.
There will be no walk on Sunday 17 April 2022 as it is Easter Sunday. All Ramblers are wished a Happy Easter.

If you would like to add a walk, new or old, to this year's Walks Calendar please contact Philip Epps.
See boherquillramblers.ie for more information.  

Streete Parish Park. All rights reserved.