Streete & District 

Where Community Come Together

"Alone, we can do so little together, we can do so much"

-Helen Keller

Upcoming Events

Make sure to keep on top of all the events taken place in the Streete Parish Hall and local districts.  From our Social Dance, to Masses, and other local events we will be listing all on our website.  This will also be used for local groups and clubs with regular updates and news.  Contact event, clubs, or groups and find the information your looking for.  We look forward to you frequently returning to find out what's happening and when.

Streete Oscars

Streete Parish Park Community Centre
Stay tuned to learn more in the weeks ahead...

Have You Questions? OR Just Want To Say Hello?

Complete the details in the form below, all we require is your full name, email address and of course your message. 
Streete Parish Park. All rights reserved.