21 May 2022

Author: Kevin Brady
Published:  Saturday, May, 21, 2022
Streete & District Notes

Deepest Sympathies

Deepest sympathies are extended to Brian Cann Correally and family at the sad passing of his
mother Kathleen Cann, Channel Islands and late off Blackrock Dublin. Kathleen's funeral took
place recently in the UK. On behalf of the Parish Park Committee, staff and local community, we
offer our condolences. May her gentle soul rest in peace.

Please Note Community Alert

Your local Community Alert is being collected at the moment and will continue over the coming weeks. Over 80 per cent of homeowners in our community have contributed to this valuable service and we welcome new subscribers. Your €10 goes towards the text alerts to your mobile, new signage and supporting the senior alert along with other services. Please Note. All who have not contributed since 2019 despite all efforts by our volunteers will no longer receive text alerts from June 1 st.

We would like to thank all who have made their payment and contributed to making our community a happier and safer place to live. Please pay your €10 subscription into our Bank of Ireland account using the details below:

  • Bank Account Name: Streete Community Alert.
  • IBAN: IE20BOFI 9017 4987 391568
  • Account: 8739 1568
  • Sort Code: 90-17-49

OR Pay into the Parish Park Letterbox, remembering to put your:

Full Name and Eircode, along with 2 mobile numbers you can be contacted on.

You will receive a text message from our Treasurer confirming your payment. On behalf of Streete Watch committee, we thank you.

Streete Vintage Show

Our show will take place on June 26th We ask you o spread the great news far and near we are also holding open meetings from now until our show to give people the opportunity to have their say and offer help before and after the show. Please come along on Wednesday 24th at 8.30pm for a friendly chat or contact James on 086 3125876 or Kevin on 087 1375222 if you think of something that will make our day memorable for everyone.

Property Marking Machine

I am delighted to report that Streete Parish Park will be the venue for the official launch of the Community Marking machine. I have been working on this project with Westmeath County Council for several years and am delighted that Streete Watch Community Alert group have been chosen to launch the machine. The Garda Crime Prevention Officer will be on hand to answer any questions and our trained volunteers will demonstrate how the machine works.

This is another project which has been overseen by Westmeath County Council PPN and the Joint Policing Committee, in response to an identified need to find ways to prevent crime, especially theft in rural communities. The machine stamps the owner’s Eircode into the item. Warning stickers and local signage are used to draw the thief’s attention to the fact that items are marked n the area to deter thieves from targeting property in the area.

It also makes it very simple to reunite a person with their property if the Gardai recover stolen goods, as the Eircode immediately links that item to where it came from. Items such as farm equipment, garage and garden tools, power tools, computers and electrical equipment, golf clubs, musical instruments bicycles, and much more can be marked.

For more information call Kevin at 087 137522 or Paula at 087 9680739


Streete Parish Park Lotto Draw Monday 9th May 2022 Numbers Drawn: 2, 4, 6, 14

  • No Jackpot Winners
  • Four Lucky Dip Winners of €25 each: Pauline Nulty, Legan (Online) Mary Leonard, Dublin (Online) Philomena Parker, Streete and Streete Parish Park Vintage Club.

Our next Lotto Draw will take place on Monday 23rd May. The jackpot will be €4150 Thank you for
your continued support.

Masses & Adoration this week Streete/Rathowen:

  • This coming Sunday is the 7th Sunday of Easter.
  • Vigil Mass every Saturday in Boherquill at 8pm. Every Sunday Rathowen at 10 am.
  • Mass Tuesday, 24 th May Boherquill 9.30 am.
  • Friday, 27 th May, Boherquill 8 pm. Adoration 7 – 8pm.

Mass intentions

Please remembers in your prayers Joe Tiernan whose month's mind mass was last week. Mass intentions this week:

  • Friday 27th - Anniversary mass for the souls of Tom and Annie Devaney and DFM of the Devaney McAvey families.
  • Saturday 28th - 3rd Anniversary mass for the soul of Hal Gaynor and 2nd Anniversary mass for the soul of his mother Helen.
  • Eucharist Ministers for May - Saturday 28th Lily Cassidy.
  • Reader - Saturday 28th Alice Nerney.
  • First Holy Communion - will take place in Boherquill on Saturday, 28th May
  • Men’s Prayer Group - It was wonderful to see so many men coming together to pray and enjoy
    refreshments afterwards. We meet each Monday in the church in Boherquill at 8pm. New
    participants are always most welcome to join us and receive the support of other men in their
    prayer and personal life.
Streete Parish Park. All rights reserved.