27 May 2022

Author: Kevin Brady
Published:  Monday, August, 15, 2022
Streete & District Notes

Deepest Sympathies

Are extended to the Cox family, Clonaboy, Rathowen at the sad passing of Maura Cox. Maura served as a stalwart for many years in Rathowen Parish and Community right up to her passing. She will always be remembered for her involvement in many community organisations including Rathowen Feis, Rathowen Amateur Dramatic Society and leading the choir at Sunday Mass. We extend our deepest sympathies to her family and the community of Rathowen at this sad time. May her gentle soul rest in peace.

Streete Wildlife Club

On Sunday the 15th of May Longford regional game Council held there annual sporting shoot in Streete shooting grounds. Thirteen teams took on what was said to be a good variety of targets. When all scores were tallied Streete A won the event pipping close neighbours Mostrim by just 2 clays. Team members on the day were Hugh O'Hara, Barry Webb, Tommy Denning, Joe Kelly, Paul Connell and Paddy Owns. Big congratulations to Hugh O'Hara on hitting the perfect 50/50. This now means that Streete will go on to represent Longford in the All Ireland shoot in Esker shooting grounds later in July. Well done to two other Streete men who claimed prizes, they were Pat Denning who won the Vets cup and to Liam Campbell who won the Trainee Licence cup. Well done Team Streete. 

The club would like to thank all club members who worked in any way in getting the grounds ready for the event, also to Breege Campbell & Marie Campbell who looked after the catering. 

Other events that are coming up are, on Thursday 26th May the summer league will commence and will be run over 6 weeks. On Saturday 28th May Westmeath RGC will hold its county sporting shoot. 

The club would like to offer its sympathy to the following on their recent bereavements. Peggy Denning Coolnagun &family. Seamus Moran Kilmore & family. Tieran family Burgesland. Blessington family Coolamber. Reilly family Lisryan. 

May their souls rest in peace. 


Congratulations and best wishes to newlyweds Bernard Callaghan, Coolnagun and Riahanna Allan, Castlepollard, who recently celebrated their marriage in Perth, Australia. The happy couple along with family and close friends enjoyed a most memorable and beautiful day. Bernard is the eldest son of Noel and Emmer Callaghan Coolnagun, who are delighted to add another daughter to the family. We wish Bernard and Riahanna every happiness in their future plans and we wish them both a long and happy life together filled with great joy riches and good health.

Please Note Community Alert

Your local Community Alert is being collected at the moment and will continue over the coming weeks. Over 80 per cent of homeowners in our community have contributed to this valuable service and we welcome new subscribers. Your €10 goes towards the text alerts to your mobile, new signage and supporting the senior alert along with other services. Please Note. All who have not contributed since 2019 despite all efforts by our volunteers will no longer receive text alerts from June 1st. We would like to thank all who have made their payment and contributed to making our community a happier and safer place to live. Please pay your €10 subscription into our Bank of Ireland account. NAME: Streete Community Alert. BIC: BOFI IE 2D and IBAN: IE20BOFI 9017 4987 391568 Account 8739 1568 and our Sort code 90-17-49 OR Pay into the Parish Park Letterbox, remembering to put your: NAME and Eircode with your 2 mobile numbers of contact. You will receive a text message from our Treasurer confirming your payment. On behalf of Streete Watch committee, we thank you.

Streete Vintage Show

Our show will take place on June 26th We ask you to spread the great news far and near we are also holding open meetings from now until our show to give people the opportunity to have their say and offer help before and after the show. Please come along on Tuesday 31st at 8.30 for a friendly chat or contact James on 086 3125876 or Kevin on 087 1375222 if you think of something that will make our day memorable for everyone.


Streete Parish Park Lotto Draw Monday 23rd May 2022 Numbers Drawn 1, 7, 17, 29 No Jackpot Winners 4 Lucky Dip winners of €25 each. Emily Lloyd (Online) Sheila Mulleady (Online) John Parker, Streete and Sean O' Neill, Rathowen. Our next lotto draw will take place on Monday 6th of June. Jackpot €4200. Thanks for your continued support.

Masses & Adoration this week Streete/Rathowen

This coming Sunday is Pentecost Sunday. Vigil Mass every Saturday in Boherquill at 8 Pm. Every Sunday Rathowen at 10 am. Mass Tuesday, 31st May Boherquill 9.30 am. Friday, 3rd June, Boherquill 8 pm. Adoration 7 – 8pm.

Mass intentions

Please remember in your prayers Hal and Helen Gaynor whose anniversary mass was last week.

Eucharist Ministers for June: Saturday 4th Mary Mulligan. Reader: Orla O’Hara.

First Holy Communion

Our prayers and best wishes to Pedro, Kian, Finn and Odhran who received their 1st Holy Communion last weekend.

Men’s Prayer Group

It was wonderful to see so many men coming together to pray and enjoy refreshments afterwards. We meet each Monday in the church in Boherquill at 8 pm. New participants are always most welcome to join us and receive the support of other men in their prayer and personal life.

Boherhillquill Ramblers

The Ramblers avoided the afternoon showers for their walk in Melkernagh bog near Lismacaffrey on Sunday 22 May 2022. The bog was soft underfoot and the group were surrounded by the sounds of the bog in early summer: birdsong, including a distant cuckoo and closer to hand the roar of a machine cutting turf to add to the rows of sods left out to dry beside the track. The quiet roads outside the bog were lined with wild flowers and in contrast several houses had beautifully cultivated front gardens.
Thank you to Deirdre Leavy and her sister Eilish Beglan who led the walk.

On Sunday 5 June the Ramblers will visit Glasson. Cars will leave Boherquill at 1.30pm and meet at 2pm at the Athlone end of Glasson. See boherquillramblers.ie for more information.


If you would like to remind us of an upcoming event or would like to have something mentioned in the Streete and District notes, please email kbrady1964@gmail.com or call Kevin 087 1375222 before 5 pm Saturday at the latest and remember folks if you don’t tell me I can’t tell them.

Streete Parish Park. All rights reserved.