9 August 2019

Author: Kevin Brady
Published:  Friday, August, 9, 2019
Streete & District Notes


Sympathy is extended on the death following a long illness of Noleen Spain nee Slevin, sister of  Elizabeth Hulme and the late Mary O’Hara, Coolnagun, Olivia Doherty, Multyfarnham and Anne Slevin, Dublin.  Noleen died in St. James Hospital, Dublin. Noleen is survived by her husband Gerry, Sister Anne, and daughters Hannah and Jess. A celebration of Noleen’s life followed by Cremation took place at Newlands Cross Temple, Dublin on Thursday of last week, 9th Aug.  We extend sympathy to the Slevin, O’Hara and Doherty families.  May she rest in peace.


The marriage of David Keary, Correally, Correally and Shaunagh Doran, Edgeworthstown took place on Thursday of last week followed by a reception in Crover House, Mountnugent.  We wish them many years of good health and happiness together.  Davis is a son of Brendan and Mary Keary, Correally, Lismacaffrey.

Boherquill Ramblers

As in previous years we have no Sunday walks during the month of August as we always take a break at this time.  The next walk will be Sunday, 2nd Sept. from Newtowncashel to Saints Island when all will be welcome.

Social Dance

In Streete Parish Park on Friday, Aug. 17th from 10 p.m., to 12.30 Music by the ever popular Colm Bourke. Admission of €10 includes a free raffle and supper.  What a great way to end the holiday period.  All are welcome especially visitors to the area.


Monies raised by Streete Parish Park Vintage Philip Moran Memorial  Tractor Run will be donated and presented to the two charities at a function in Feericks Hotel, Rathowen on Friday, Aug. 24th.  This year's charities are The Irish Heart Foundation and also The Motor Neurone Foundation.  We ask for your support on the night.  All are very welcome. Annual 2018 Family Fun Run & Walk:  Takes place on Friday, 7th Sept at 7 p.m. Start and finish at Streete Parish Park.  Registration at 6.30 p.m.  Adults €10; under 16’s €5.  Contact Kevin 087 1375222.

Streete Parish Park. All rights reserved.