17 November 2019

Author: Kevin Brady
Published:  Sunday, November, 17, 2019
Streete & District Notes

​Community Alert

The community Alert committee would like to thank all who turned out last Wednesday night to the community alert meeting in the Parish Park. It was heart-warming to see the response of likeminded people concerned about safeguarding their community. Garda crime prevention officer Paddy Guinan was accompanied by Garda Sergeant, Rodger Nichols, who both talked about theft, protecting your property and what to watch out for as we go about our daily business.
We welcomed the news that Streete Parish has been selected to be one of the first areas in Ireland to avail of a new anti-crime response system to be rolled out soon. Paddy Guinan talked about how this new system will free up Gardaí connecting Gardaí to central control and you call for assistance in superfast time. He went on to say this is a break through in modern policing response.
The presentation which was short and very interesting. Both Gardaí stayed with us for a cup of tea talking freely and openly with the people. We look forward to next February when Paddy and the Drug response unit will come to talk and demonstrate the type of drugs on the market and how we can report antisocial behaviour in confidence.

Text alert registration

The committee has been busy collecting in registration forms for the text alert system. If you have not received a registration form and would like to join please let us know or if you have, and you haven’t had a chance to fill it in or get it back to us please let us know on 087 9680739 or 087 1375222. The cost is only €10 for the year. This is to help us cover the costs. Please support us to support you.

Boherquill Ramblers

The Ramblers started their walk at the Church Hall near the photogenic Royal Canal harbour in Ballynacargy on Sunday 11 November 2018. They walked a loop route through Lakingstown to the canal near Kiddy's Bridge and returned to the village along the towpath. Back in the Church Hall they were treated to delicious scones by Patricia Bruton, the Ramblers Chair, who also led the walk, so thank you to her for both.

  • On Sunday 25 November Bee O'Rourke will lead an 8km walk in Kenagh, County Longford. Cars will leave Boherquill at 1.30pm and meet at the church in Kenagh at 2pm.
  • This year’s members' Christmas Dinner is being planned for Sunday 9 December at the Annebrook House Hotel in Mullingar. There will be a walk at 2pm starting at the hotel and the meal will begin at 4.30pm. Places are €30 each and donations of gifts up to the value of €10 are invited for the raffle.
New members are always welcome. For details phone Philip at 087 7753612 or Nini at 086 8754411
See boherquillramblers.ie.

Streete Wildlife Club

Winter league continues every Thursday night in Streete shooting grounds. All shooters welcome.The club would like to offer its sincere sympathy to Brendan Mulligan and family on the recent death of his uncle William (Billy) Clabby, Lanesboro. May he rest in the peace.

Streete Bowls

The Westmeath / Longford League is on hold to enable clubs play their own Christmas competitions. The three Streete teams had a very active week. Streete B were in Mullingar on Sunday night where  in a thirty three shot thriller they fell just short on the night. They were in action again at the Streete Complex on Tuesday night but on this occasion were victorious over Sreete A.

On Thursday night Streete C travelled to Ardagh to take on their B team and in another cliff-hanger they managed to draw twenty six points each. Streete B Team 1: Pat Purcell, Phyllis Martin and Sam Donaghy (skip). Team 2: Thomas Sullivan, Tom Connell and Eamon Carty (skip).

The Westmeath / Longford singles competition takes place in Streete on Sunday December 2nd. More details later.

Walking Track

Please note those who avail of our Streete Parish Park Walkway are gently reminded that membership is now due for the coming year.  The fee is only €20 per person or €30 per family for the coming year.  I am sure all will realise this money is needed to help with the track, insurance and lighting.  Payment can be left in an envelope in the Centre letterbox or given to any Parish Park committee member or staff member. All who become members are welcome to use the facility.

Social Dance

last Friday night a most enjoyable dance attended by the usual regulars with great music by Mary O’Connor and Pat Kelly took place in the Centre.  Supper, free raffle etc. was as always organised by Mary, Anne and Gerry.  Booking of music etc. is organised by Kevin who can be contacted on 087 1375222 with any details of entertainment available.  Upcoming bookings include:

  • Jimmy Hynes & the Crusaders, 21st December.
  • Andy Feery, 18th January 2019.
  • Matt Leavy, 15th February.
  • John Hogan, 15th March.

Tea and refreshments served.  If interested in getting a group together for a Christmas party please make contact as soon as possible in preparation for the festive season.  The office number is 043 6685926, Kevin 086 2003739, Brian 086 2596656.  If you leave your number your call will be returned.


We are very happy to announce that on Saturday, 1st December at 8.30p.m. in Streete Parish Park Centre, Seamus O’Rourke well known playwright will perform his production of “And thank You” which was written and will be performed by the author, himself.  Some will remember other plays of his including the “Gospel according to O’Rourke” as well as “Your prayers have been answered”.

Many will have seen Seamus on T.V. or heard him on Radio, so now is the chance to enjoy this live production in Streete Parish Park at 8.30p.m. on Saturday, 1st  December.  This could be the first of many productions depending on support.  This will be another way for you and friends to get together before Christmas.

NOTE: For inclusion any week must be with Brian by Friday night or email to brian.nerney@gmail.com.

Streete Parish Park. All rights reserved.