24 July 2022

Author: Kevin Brady
Published:  Sunday, July, 24, 2022
Streete & District Notes

Social Dancing

This Friday night in Streete to the sound of Matt Leavy. Matt is one of the most talented artists in country music and never fails to put on a brilliant night of entertainment. So why not come out and support your Parish Park and enjoy a real night of live music. Raffle door prizes and lots more all for only €10


A Foroige representative has been in contact looking at the possibility of setting up a Foróige club involving the wider local area. Foróige is the leading youth organisation in Ireland and has been working with young people since 1952. The purpose of Foróige is to enable young people to involve themselves consciously and actively in their local area. 

Young people elect a committee made up of their peers to run the club. The clubs will normally meet for 1-2 hours per week in the community centre during the school term. The club gets involved in a variety of activities such as sports, drama, dance, indoor games, projects, discos and interclub events. Foróige aims to support the challenges young people face from junior level at 10 to 12 years and in their developing teenage years 12 to 18 years by helping them in thinking for themselves, reflecting on their actions and taking responsibility, building positive and helpful relationships, developing their character and talents, acquiring knowledge and skills for life while improving the community they live in.

I strongly suggest parents embrace the idea as it might be possible to link other local areas and facilities. To discuss the possibility of a meeting please contact Cyril Reilly on 086 0144832 or Kevin on 087 1375222

Streete Basketball Camp

Streete Warriors Basketball Club is holding its annual Basketball Camp starting Tuesday, Aug 2nd - Friday 5th August at the Streete Parish Park. The Camp Director: Jimmy Ward reminds you that doors open at 9.15 am 6 - 11 yrs. 10 - 1 pm and 12 - 17 yrs. / 2 - 5 pm. The Fee is €60 per child and same family reductions apply 1st child €60, 2nd €50, 3rd €40 4th free.

To book a place message Teresa 085 8762052 with info on children's names DOB am or pm camp. A WhatsApp group will be set up for all bookings to give updates nearer the time of camp. Bring your own ball, water & Snack. 

Streete Wildlife Club

Sunday the 17th of July saw Streete shooting grounds host its annual charity Shoot in aid of Cian's Kennels. 109 shooters took part in what one man referred to it as a "fantastic fair course that all could enjoy with a challenge here and there". I think that sums it up right there.  The club would like to thank everyone for coming out and supporting this amazing charity, and also to congratulate Mostrim man Cian Mcloughlin who was yet again high gun winner with a score of 95/100 for which he received the Luke Kiernan perpetual Cup.

Also congratulations to all the other class winners on the day. Streete Wildlife club would like to thank the following, the committee and club members for all their hard work. To Luke Kiernan's family for coming on board for this charity shoot by donating a cup in honour of one man that was very much involved in all community activities in his day. He would be very privileged to be part of this event. Early signs are that we will be €2k plus, not a bad day's work for a small club. 

Boherquill Ramblers

The Ramblers decided not to walk on Sunday 17 July 2022 as the weather was too hot for comfort. There will be no official walks on Sundays 31 July and 7 August 2022 as the Fleadh Ceoil will be on in Mullingar. The town will be closed to traffic and the expected large crowds will cause disruption in the surrounding area. If you're not coming to the Fleadh do get out for a walk in your area if possible. If you would like to add a walk, new or old, to this year's Walks Calendar please contact Philip Epps. See boherquillramblers.ie for more information.  


The Farm Plastics collection scheme has now resumed and Bring Centres are now open. Bring-centres represent the most cost-effective and convenient means by which farmers can recycle old disused covering and silage wrap and farm plastics. For your convenience, your nearest centre Edgeworthstown at Shroid GAA Grounds, Longford Road on Tuesday 16th Aug and Granard Farmers Mart Saturday 20th August. IFFPC also collect at your farmyard. For more information and collection fees; please see https://www.farmplastics.ie/  IFFPG would like to thank farmers for using this service and keeping Ireland pollution free.

Active Retirement Meeting

We had our drop inn meeting last Wednesday and firstly I’d like to thank all who turned out to listen to some inspirational and inspiring words from Oliver Fallen. Oliver travelled down from Dublin to see and chat with our group. Over the next number of months, he will collect memories and stories from people about their childhood and stories passed down from their parents and grandparents. These stories will be archived in a new book of memories which will form part of the library collection and stand the testament of time like the folklore collection back in 1935  This is an ideal opportunity for local schools to become involved in a very interesting step back into history for our younger generation.  I hope other people will join us for the usual cuppa at our next meeting and remember all are welcome; you don’t have to be from the Streete area to join in.

Community Alert

Gardaí advice that several reports are coming in with regards to the damage being caused by youths on tractors and Quads in Melkernagh bog, and to farmers' gates and road signs along the Corralanna, Killasonna back roads in the area. Gardaí are fully aware and warn of the dangers young people run if high jinks on these machines get out of hand resulting in the loss of life or serious injury. They ask you to report suspicious activity to Gardaí immediately. Mullingar 044 9384000

School Transport

A reminder to parents. Applications close this coming Friday for the school transport scheme. The Government has announced initiatives to assist families with children returning to school in September, including removing fees from school transport for the coming academic year.  Applications must be made by Friday 29 April. All applications received after that date are deemed late, and may not be guaranteed a seat or a service. Please contact 01, 5229991 or online at. schools.athlone@buseireann.ie 

Rathowen Community Development

Are holding a Food and Craft Market on Sunday 21st of August at Rathowen Community Park. If you are interested in booking a stall, please phone 089 460 3732 or email: rcd.rathowen@gmail.com 

Streete Watch community Alert New App

I am currently working with Muintir na Tíre on developing a new easy to use App for our Community Alert Group. When up and working it can be downloaded to your mobile or computer this will phase out WhatsApp and allow more local news features, updates and important contact information such as scam alerts and how to recognise and report to giardia along with a reporting mechanism where you can follow up on a report to see the outcome. 

I envisage the app being easy to use and will have up-to-the-minute giardia alert for all areas which would be a big advantage to us because of giardia divisional area changed a few years ago, meaning that our local Granard Gardaí must stay within the county boundary, The new app will allow alerts from Granard, Edgeworthstown, Finea as well as the local Westmeath area. More on this later.


Streete Parish Park Lotto Draw 18th July 2022 Numbers Drawn: 2, 6, 14, 20 No Jackpot Winner Four Lucky Dip Winners of €25 each. Mary Mulligan, Coolamber (Online) Michael McBrien, Cavan (Online) Frank O' Brien, Edgeworthstown and Patrick O' Neill, Rathowen. Many thanks for your continued support. Our Next Draw will take place on Monday 1st of August. Jackpot €4400

The Fleadh

Fleadh Cheoil na hÉireann is coming home to Mullingar from 31st July to 7th August, back to where it all began in 1951 We wish the organisers of the Mullingar Fleadh every success. This event is the world’s largest annual celebration of Irish music, language, song and dance. Bigi Linn!

Bingo Volunteers Needed

The committee are looking at ways to return our Bingo to the hall on Monday nights as before covid. So with this in mind, we are asking for volunteer help at the parish park. This is usually from 8 Pm until 10.30 Pm and can be worked on a rota to suit all. We depend greatly on our Bingo to keep our community centre open. Our Centre is well managed and run; all we ask is a little help to share some of the burdens. Your help will be greatly appreciated. Call Kevin 087 1375222, James 086 3125876 or Steven 087 6449500

Vintage Plaques

It was great to receive many phone calls from vintage supporters as far away as Derry, Cork, and Wexford to name but a few, who did not attend our show because of the weather but would love to receive a plaque of our vintage day as a momentum, We have a number of plaques left over from the day. if anyone who gave their time as a volunteer on the day or knows of someone who would normally be with us and for any reason could not attend and would like to have a plaque as a momentum of our 20th year please let us know. We are extremely grateful for your time, help and support Call Kevin 087 1375222, James 086 3125876 or Steven 087 6449500

Masses & Adoration this week Streete/Rathowen

This coming Sunday is the 18th Sunday in Ordinary time. Vigil Mass every Saturday in Boherquill at 8 Pm. every Sunday Rathowen at 10 am. Mass intentions this Saturday. Months Mind. Paddy Tighe. Mass this week Tuesday, 26th July Boherquill 9.30 Am. Wednesday 27th Rathowen 9.30 Thursday 28th Rathowen 9.30, adoration 10 to 10.30  Friday 29th  July, Boherquill 8 pm. Adoration 7 – 8pm.

Mass intentions

Please remember in your prayers Tony Boyce, whose anniversary mass was last Saturday. 

For Mass bookings: or any other enquiries please call Please contact Fr. Pierre on 087 6960542.

Eucharist Ministers and Reader:  No Correspondence: 

Rosary continues: Rathowen, every Tuesday at 7 pm and Boherquill every Thursday at 7 pm

Diocesan Pilgrimage To Knock Shrine: Sunday, September 4th Ceremonies begin at 2 pm with the anointing of the sick followed by mass. Depending on demand a bus will leave Granard and Edgeworthstown Booking is essential call 043 334665

Pilgrimage to Medjourgie: Flying from Knock to Mostar Airport. 7 nights, flights,accommodation, breakfast and dinner, transfers. €735from 12th to 19th October. Limited availability, contactJeremiah Nally on 087 4309096

The Legion of Mary: Edgeworthstown invites new members. The Legion meets every Thursday at noon in the Parish Centre, Edgeworthstown. The centre is at the back of Quinn’s Hardware store.

Men’s Prayer Group:  It was wonderful to see so many men coming together to pray and enjoy refreshments afterwards. We meet each Monday in the church in Boherquill at 8 pm. New participants are always most welcome to join us and receive the support of other men in their prayer and personal life.

Streete Parish Park. All rights reserved.