8 May 2022

Author: Kevin Brady
Published:  Sunday, May, 8, 2022
Streete & District Notes

Census 2022

Your local Enumerators Kevin, Isabella and Joe would like to say thank you for the warm welcome received at many homes and a big thank you for the many cups of tea, and sandwiches offered in the local areas during the Census month. For me personally, it was lovely to see people, chat and catch up on the local news and family events after such a long period due to Covid. We wonder what the next five years have in store for us, but please God, Covid, War and all the bad things will go away as we look forward to better times.

Community Alert

Your local Community Alert is being collected at the moment and will continue over the coming weeks until the end of May. Anyone who has yet to make their contribution is asked to please do so. We would like to thank all who have made their payment so far and contributed to making our community a happier and safer place to live.

Please pay your €10 subscription into our Bank of Ireland account.

  • Account Name: Streete Community Alert.
  • IBAN: IE20BOFI 9017 4987 391568
  • Account: 8739 1568
  • Sort Code: 90-17-49


Pay into the Parish Park Letterbox, remembering to put your:
Full Name,and Eircode with 2 mobile numbers of contact. You will receive a text message from our Treasurer confirming your payment. On behalf of Streete Watch committee, we thank you.

Now Enrolling:

St. Fintan's N.S. Lismacaffrey: Are Now Enrolling for September 2022 Please contact the school via email or telephone to request an Enrolment Form. School Telephone No. 043 6685233 or
Email: stfintansnslismacaffrey@gmail.com Bingo: The Parish Park Committee is grateful to everyone who supports our online bingo. The committee will hold a meeting this week to discuss the possibility of returning to the hall. Bingo remains our main source of income and provides the funding to keep the lights on and all the bills paid. We ask if you can offer an hour of your time to help out in any way to please let us know. Please call Kevin 087 1375222, Stephen 087 6449500 or James 086 3125876

Lotto Draw:

Monday, April 25 th Numbers drawn: 7,18,21,25 Jackpot €4050 No winner. Lucky Dip Winners for €25 each. Annette Finn, (Online) Janet Butler (Online) Mairead Parker, Streete. and Shane Murtagh, c/c Bridie Lynch. The next draw is on Monday, May 9 th . The jackpot will be €4100. Thank you for your
continued support.

Masses & Adoration this week Streete/Rathowen:

This coming Sunday is the 5 the Sunday of Easter. Vigil Mass every Saturday in Boherquill at 8 Pm. Every Sunday Rathowen at 10 am. Please remember in your prayers John Blessington whose month's mind was last Saturday and also his mother Mary whose anniversary mass as well. Mass this week. Tuesday, 10th May Boherquill 9.30 am Wednesday, 11th May Rathowen 9.30 am Thursday, 12 tht May Rathowen 9.30 am. Adoration 10 to 10.30 am Friday, 13 th May Boherquill 8 pm. Adoration 7 to 8 pm. We ask, in your prayers to please remember, family, neighbours and all who are suffering from illness at this time. For Mass bookings or any other enquiries please call Fr Pierre Pepper at 043 6685847 or 087 6960542
Eucharist Ministers for May: Saturday 14th Enda Murphy. Reader: Saturday 14th Michael Fagan.
Blessing of the Graves: Boherquill Saturday, 18th June at 8 pm followed by the blessing of Coolamber/Streete graves
First Holy Communion: will take place in Boherquill next Saturday, 28 th May
Men’s Prayer Group: It was wonderful to see so many men coming together to pray and enjoy refreshments afterwards. We meet each Monday in the church in Boherquill at 8 pm. New participants are always most welcome to join us and receive the support of other men in their prayer and personal life.

Streete Parish Park. All rights reserved.