Local Note Update 03 June 2023

Author: Kevin Brady
Published:  Monday, March, 6, 2023
Streete & District Notes

Streete Notes 3rd June 2023

Vintage Launch: As the Committee gets ready for its vintage show on Sunday, June 25th Our members are busy attending other shows around the country, inviting stall holders and exhibitors to come along, to make our day as spectacular as possible. A great evening was had at the launch of our vintage awareness day at the crossroads inn Lisryan on a glorious sunny evening. The event was very well-attended with many enthusiasts turning out with their vintage, classic cars, and Tractors. The launch night continued with a barbeque and photos from the local papers along with Ray Dolan streaming live on social media. A great night of entertainment was had by all. This year’s Vintage show promises to be bigger and better with all-day entertainment. New attractions this year include a Jiving competition hosted by legendary country music star Johnny Brady who will be taking centre stage along with an up-and-coming first lady of country music Brid Shaughnessy and many more. Streete Vintage Show is renowned as one of the best family days out in the midlands and one not to be missed. The committee would like to thank all who helped out and supported the launch with a special word of thanks to Pauline and Gerry, Murphy’s Crossroads Inn Lisryan. Powell Meats Ardagh, for donating the burgers and Declan and Willie who did an excellent job at cooking, we kindly thank all who turned out to make this a memorable evening.

BLOOMING GREAT DAY: Streete Active Retirement Group were just one of the many buses to arrive at the Phoenix Park on Thursday morning for the first day of the country's biggest Garden and Flower Show, Bloom. Our group excited by the weather, enjoyed a super day wandering through the great gardens and hundreds of growers' displays in the glorious sunshine. For many of our group, it was a chance to pick up ideas or purchase some gardening bits and bobs, plants or some beautiful products at the hundreds of exhibitions and merchandising stands. The gardens were all just simply spectacular in their own way and it was great to see the beautiful and painstaking skills of the many winning gardeners displayed by people of great taste. Naturally, there were queues but a Lovely atmosphere was felt by everyone and some even got a photo with Marty Morrissey and other TV celebrities. Our next trip is to the country's oldest fair day in Ballina, Co, Mayo on July 12th If you would like to come along contact the girls in the office or call Kevin 087 1375222
Vintage Club: We are delighted to share the news that one of our members had a very special feature at this year's Bloom Flower Festival. Mary Small from Ballymahon was asked by Citroën Cars Ireland if she would loan the car seats from her beautiful 1959 Citroën 2CV to be used as a feature in the Gold Medal-winning Medium garden at the show. The classic 2CV Steel frame ‘hammock’ seats were designed to be used for family picnics in the French countryside when the car was launched in 1949. Be sure to keep an eye out for Mary's's car which will be one of our exhibits at this years Streete Vintage Show
New Baby Boy: Congratulations and best wishes to Liam and Fiona Egan, Ballew. On the birth of their new baby Boy, Adam, who arrived into the world safe and well and is looking forward to cuddles and hugs from excited big brother, Connor, granddad, Dominic, Kilmore and Fiona's family in Kildare, aunties, uncles family and friends. We welcome baby Adam into the world and wish Liam and Fiona every happiness in their future family life together and may their lives be filled with great health and very special moments.
Blessing of the graves: will take place on Saturday 17th of June in Streete cemetery at 6.30, Coolamber at 7.15 and Boherquill at 8. Pm. You are invited to drop into the parish Park for a cup of tea and chat after the Blessing from 8 until 9 .30
Deepest sympathies: are extended to Mary and Brendan Mulligan and family, on the sad passing of Mary’s Mother, Mary Ellen Curtin nee Reidy, Oaklawns Mullingar and Late of Ballyvaughan Co, Clare. Mary is Predeceased by her beloved husband William. Mary passed away peacefully surrounded by her loving family. She will be sadly missed by her daughter Mary, son-in-law Brendan, grandchildren John, Deirdre, David and Conor, great-grandson Cian, nephews Christy, M. J. Thomas and their families, relatives and a wide circle of neighbours and friends. May her gentle soul rest in heavenly peace.
PRINCIPAL RETIREMENT: We wish Ann Marie Brady the very best in her upcoming retirement. Ann Marie has been very much part of the community from her childhood and throughout her vocation as teacher principal of our national school. She has marked numerous achievements and developments including the opening of a major new extension at Lismacaffrey NS enhancing its special needs education provision, introducing a new sensory garden and overseeing a much-needed car park for student and parent safety. On behalf of the whole community, we say thank you for years of dedication to our school and wish you a long and happy retirement.
LISRYAN TIDY VILLAGE COMMITTEE: Are holding a family fun-filled weekend on July 28th to 30th at the Community Park field in Lisryan. If you have something that you would like to showcase/sell at the event call Angela 087 144 1646
RURAL SOCIAL SCHEME: Our community Centre has various Work places available for eligible farmers or family member who has access to a herd number, This is an opportunity to increase your weekly income while working 19.5 hours each week in a stressless environment and in the company of our dedicated CE workers. For a confidential chat, call Kevin at 087 1375222

STREETE VINTAGE SHOW: Reminder, our show will take place on Sunday, June 25th We ask you to spread the great news near and far, Flyers are available in The Parish Park. We ask you to take a few and spread the word. Every cent raised from our day goes into keeping your Community Centre open. Everyone is welcome to come along this Wednesday at 8 pm to allow you to have your say. As usual offers of help before and after the show would be greatly appreciated. Please contact James at 086 3125876 or Kevin at 087 1375222 if you think of something that will make our day memorable for everyone.
Boherquill Ramblers: The Ramblers joined the IFA’s Let’s Talk and Walk Green Ribbon walk in Fore on Sunday 28 May 2023. The Green Ribbon walks are organised to raise awareness of the importance to the farming community of minding physical and mental health. Alice Doyle, chair of the the IFA Farm Family and Social Affairs Committee addressed the walkers as did Eithne Scally, chair of Westmeath Farm Family Committee and Finola Colgan of Mental Health Ireland. PJ O’Reilly met the group in the ruins of Fore Abbey and gave a talk on the history of the area before everyone set out to walk the couple of kilometres of the Nellie and Nancy loop, always a very enjoyable walk. Back at the Coffee Shop in Fore a welcome cup of tea was enjoyed in glorious sunshine, along with a fine spread of sandwiches and cakes. Thanks are due to all involved in providing such a lovely afternoon. The Ramblers will visit Aughnacliffe on Sunday 11 June 2023 when Deirdre Leavy will lead a walk to Leebeen Park and Aughnacliffe waterfall. Cars will meet at the church in Edgeworthstown at 1.40 pm before moving on to start the walk in Aughnacliffe at 2pm. Boots and hi-vis vests should be worn.
A day out in Dublin is being planned for Sunday 2 July with a 9.30am bus departure.

PARISH PARK LOTTO: Streete Parish Park Lotto Draw Monday 22nd May 2023 Numbers Drawn: 11, 16, 24, 27 No Jackpot Winners Four Lucky Dip Winners of €25 each Weronika Golonka Online. Mary Whyte, Dublin Online. Margaret Tighe, Kilmore. Adele Pollock, Drogheda. Thanks for your continued support. Our next Lotto Draw will take place on Monday 5th June 2023 Jackpot €5450
LOUGH DERG PILGRIMAGE: The annual St Mels Pilgrimage to Lough Derg will take place from Friday 23rd to the 25th of June. The bus will depart from Connolly Barracks Longford at 9 am. The cost is €110. Contact, Peter at 087 6613510 or Kitty at 086 0405621 for more details
Church Notes St James Church Streete: New dates coming shortly.
Church Notes St Marys, Streete/Rathowen: Masses and Adoration this week: This coming Sunday is the 10th Sunday in Ordinary Time. The Most Holy Body And Blood Of Christ.Vigil Mass every Saturday in Boherquill at 8 Pm. Sunday in Rathowen at 10 am. Mass this week Tuesday, Boherquill 9.30 Am. Wednesday Rathowen 9.30 Am Thursday, Rathowen 9.30 Am, adoration 10 to 10.30 Friday Boherquill 8 pm. Adoration 7 – 8 pm.
Mass intentions: Friday 9th Birthday Remembrance, Thomas Sullivan. Anniversary mass this Saturday night Anthony Donohoe, Streete & USA. For Mass bookings or any other enquiries. Please contact Fr. Pierre on 087 6960542.
Upcoming dates to remember: Blessing of the graves will take place on the 17th of June in Streete cemetery at 6.30, Coolamber at 7.15 and Boherquill at 8. pm. Blessing on 1st of July in Rathaspic at 7 pm and Russagh at 8 pm.
Rosary continues: Rathowen, every Tuesday at 7 pm and Boherquill every Thursday at 7 Pm.
Men’s Prayer Group: Every Monday in the church in Boherquill at 8 pm. New participants are always most welcome.
Blessing of homes: Easter Holy water is available in both churches. If anyone would like to have their home, family or car blessed, Please contact Fr Pierre on 087 6960542.
NOTES: If you would like to remind us of an upcoming event or would like to have something mentioned in the Streete and District notes, please email kbrady1964@gmail.com or call Kevin 087 1375222 before 5 pm Friday at the latest and remember folks if you don’t tell me I can’t tell them.

Streete Parish Park. All rights reserved.