Local Note Update 06 May 2023

Author: Kevin Brady
Published:  Monday, June, 5, 2023
Streete & District Notes

Streete Notes 29th April 2023
DEEPEST SYMPATHIES: are expressed to the Kerrigan Family, Barradrum, Streete, on the sad passing of Michael McGing Westport Mayo. Michael will be sadly missed by his beloved wife Mary, nee Kerrigan, daughters Philomena & Ann, sons Oliver & Anthony, daughters and sons-in-law, grandchildren and a wide circle of family and friends. May his gentle soul rest in eternal peace.
COMMUNITY CALL: Bingo callers wanted! Have fun, socialising and gain confidence in public speaking. We need bingo callers to work as part of a roster. please get in contact with Kevin at 087 1375222 or Steven at 087 6449500 if you think this position could be for you.
STREETE VINTAGE SHOW: Our show will take place on Sunday, June 25th We ask you to spread the great news far and near, We will hold an open meeting on Wednesday at 8 pm to give people the opportunity to have their say. As usual offer of help before and after the show would be greatly appreciated. Please contact James at 086 3125876 or Kevin at 087 1375222 if you think of something that will make our day memorable for everyone. On behalf of the Committee of the Parish Park Vintage Club. We kindly pass on our sincere condolences to the Kerrigan Family, Barradrum and Mayo, on the passing of Michael McGing. We are all deeply saddened on hearing the sad news of Michael’s passing. Michael and his wife Mary were a regular at our vintage show every year in their 1970s blue VW camper van. Our thoughts are with the family at this darkest hour. May his gentle soul rest in heavenly peace.
BOHERQUILL RAMBLERS: The Boherquill Ramblers 2023 walking Festival will take place over the weekend of May 12th to 14th, opening on Friday with a walk at 7 pm in Castlepollard. There will be a longer walk on Sunday when a bus will leave Fore at 11 am, following registration at 10.30 am. Further details will be given in due course. If you would like to add a walk, new or old, to this year's Walks Calendar please contact Philip Epps. See boherquillramblers.ie for more information.
Parish Park Lotto: Streete Parish Park Lotto Draw 24th April 2023 Numbers Drawn: 7, 8, 15, 19. No Jackpot winners Four Lucky Dip Winners Anne Donegan, Online Annette Finn, Online Micky Doherty, Legan c/o Lily and Karie & Phil, Brisbane, Australia Thanks for your continued support. Our next draw will be on Monday 8th May 2023 and the jackpot will be €5350
Church Notes St James Church Streete: Morning Prayers In Streete at 9.15 am, on Sunday, May 21st All welcome
Church Notes St Marys, Streete/Rathowen: Masses and Adoration this week: This coming Sunday is the 6th Sunday of Easter. Vigil Mass every Saturday in Boherquill at 8 Pm. Sunday in Rathowen at 10 am. Mass this week Tuesday, Boherquill 9.30 Am. Wednesday Rathowen 9.30 Am Thursday, Rathowen 9.30 Am, adoration 10 to 10.30 Friday Boherquill 8 pm. Adoration 7 – 8 pm. Easter Dues for the upkeep of the priests in the Diocese are now being collected. On behalf of all the priests, I thank you for your generous support and kindness.
Mass intentions: Please remember in your prayers the souls of Joe Tiernan, Burgesland, whose 1st Anniversary mass was last week. Anniversary mass this Saturday night for the souls of Patsy Owens, his parents, Hughie and Annie and DFM. For Mass bookings or any other enquiries. Please contact Fr. Pierre on 087 6960542.
Upcoming dates to remember: Blessing of the graves will take place on the 17th of June in Streete cemetery at 6.30, Coolamber at 7.15 and Boherquill at 8. pm. Blessing on 1st of July in Rathaspic at 7 pm and Russagh at 8 pm.
Rosary continues: Rathowen, every Tuesday at 7 pm and Boherquill every Thursday at 7 Pm.
Men’s Prayer Group: Every Monday in the church in Boherquill at 8 pm. New participants are always most welcome.
Blessing of homes: Easter Holy water is available in both churches. If anyone would like to have their home, family or car blessed, Please contact Fr Pierre on 087 6960542.
NOTES: If you would like to remind us of an upcoming event or would like to have something mentioned in the Streete and District notes, please email kbrady1964@gmail.com or call Kevin 087 1375222 before 5 pm Friday at the latest and remember folks if you don’t tell me I can’t tell them.

Streete Parish Park. All rights reserved.