Local Note Update 08 October 2023

Author: Kevin Brady
Published:  Thursday, August, 10, 2023
Streete & District Notes

Streete Notes 8th October 2023

Traditional Irish Step Dancing Classes for adults; Dedicated dance teacher Niamh Penrose from Ballyncargy will start an eight-week session of set dancing classes for adults in Streete Parish Park on October 19th These classes are suitable for adults with little or no prior experience with traditional Irish dance. Come and see how you can make meaningful and joyful connections to traditional Irish music using simple movements. Participants should bring flat comfortable shoes with them, For more info call 087 9127787
Bingo Special: Fundraiser to support ‘cattle man: Natasha Egan, and the Quinn family, Would like to say a word of thanks to the committee of Streete Parish Park and everyone who came out and supported and donated prizes for the special benefit bingo held on Monday last. The money raised in aid of well-known cattleman Declan Quinn will go directly in building and altering his home in preparation for Declan’s home coming. Natasha want you all to know Declan is overwhelmed with the amount of kindness and generosity show. The money raised over the past few weeks will make it possible for her dad to return home to continue his rehabilitation. It’s still not too late to contribute, go to the I Donate link to donate.
SOCIAL DANCING: A reminder, our next Dance is this coming Friday 27th October, with the legends of social dance, Magic Moments. The lead singer The band from Big Tom Country, Castleblaney and are a long-established band that plays a great mix of country and social dance music for your enjoyment. A brilliant night of Dancing is guaranteed. Doors open from 9.00 till late
Longford Learning Support: Is a Registered Charity, which has been set up to provide a weekly after-school intervention programme, aimed specifically at children who are experiencing learning difficulties. It is open to children at both Primary and Secondary levels. Tutors help children in groups of 3 or 4, according to age and ability, in an encouraging and supportive environment. Classes cover Reading, Spelling, and Maths. Classes take place every Tuesday evening from 7.00 pm to 8.30 pm in the E.D.I. Centre, Mastertech Business Park, Athlone Road, Longford N39 Y0F4. If you would like any further information on Longford Learning Support, please contact Nuala at (089) 214 6666 or email llslongford123@gmail.com.
The Apprenticeship Expo: Will take place in Mullingar Park Hotel on Thursday 19th October. Apprenticeship Expo is a must for all things Apprenticeships! With a chance to meet employers and Apprenticeship providers. I can’t recommend this expo enough to any young person starting out and is really a worthwhile place to go to meet the experts on your Apprenticeship journey. 090 6500060 for more info
Family WALK Day: A new date has been fixed for our walk on Sunday, October 22nd starting at 2 p.m. and please god the weather will hold up on the day We kindly ask parents and family members to come out and support this local walk with all proceeds going to our community centre. Please remember that Streete Parish Park Complex and facilities are run by a voluntary committee that needs support so please give this a thought. For more information contact Declan at 086 8123514 or Kevin at 087 1375222
Badminton: Badminton has now returned on Wednesday nights at 8.30 pm in Streete Parish Park. New members, improvers and beginners of all ages are welcome to join. Please come along and tell a friend. All ages are welcome, Call Maeve at 086 3652445 or Kevin 087 1375222
Christmas Market: A reminder the upcoming Christmas indoor market is on November 26th from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. for what promises to be a great day out and the perfect place to meet up with neighbours and friends and do some early Christmas shopping, Don’t forget we will have some delicious food vendors on the day, so you can take the day off from cooking…oh and Santa will be in his Grotto that day waiting to see all the lovely children in this part of the world. We could go on and on but it’s probably better if you just come out and see for yourselves.
PARISH PARK LOTTO: Streete Parish Park Lotto Monday 25th September 2023 Numbers Drawn 11, 18, 20, 21 No Jackpot Winners Four Lucky Dip winners of €25 each. Aishling Ashton, NSW, Australia (Online) Bridie Lynch, Cappagh Maurice Kelter, Kerry. Seamus Reilly, Lismacaffrey Thanks for your continued support. Our next draw is scheduled for Monday 9th October 2023 Jackpot €2100
Boherquill Ramblers: The Ramblers enjoyed a bus trip to Bohernabreena Reservoirs on Sunday 30 September 2023, with beautiful weather and good food on their outing. The recent wet weather led to a high water level in the two reservoirs but the ground was dry with a scattering of autumn leaves and lots of fallen chestnuts and hazelnuts. Thank you to walk leaders Mary McHugh and her brother Francis, organisers Nini and Alice and Salmon’s coaches and their driver Tess for the day’s transport. Thanks also to the staff of the Thomas Davis GAA Club for the delicious scones, tea and coffee before the walk and meals afterwards for many hungry walkers. On Sunday 15 October 2023 the Ramblers will pay their autumn visit to Mullaghmeen Forest. Cars will meet at Mullaghmeen for the start of the walk at 2pm. If you would like to add a walk, new or old, to this year's Walks Calendar please contact Philip Epps. See boherquillramblers.ie for more information.
Church Notes St Mary’s, Streete/Rathowen: Masses and Adoration this week: This coming Sunday is the 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time. Vigil Mass every Saturday in Boherquill at 8 P.m. Sunday in Rathowen at 10 a.m. Mass this week Tuesday, Boherquill 9.30 Am. Wednesday Rathowen 9.30 Am Thursday, Rathowen 9.30 Am, adoration 10 to 10.30 Friday, 8 pm with adoration 7 to 8 pm
Mass intentions: Please remember in your prayers the souls of Pat Devaney who month’s mind was last week. Anniversary mass this coming Saturday night for the souls of John and Marcella Mulligan. Mass bookings for 2024 are now being taken Please contact Fr. Pierre on 087 6960542
Rosary continues: Rathowen, every Tuesday at 7 pm and Boherquill every Thursday at 7 Pm.
Men’s Prayer Group: Every Monday in the church in Boherquill at 8 p.m. New participants are always most welcome.
NOTES: If you would like to remind us of an upcoming event or would like to have something mentioned in the Streete and District notes, please email kbrady1964@gmail.com or call Kevin 087 1375222 before 5 pm Friday at the latest and remember folks if you don’t tell me I can’t tell them.

Streete Parish Park. All rights reserved.