Local Note Update 10 June 2023

Author: Kevin Brady
Published:  Friday, October, 6, 2023
Streete & District Notes

Streete Notes 10th June 2023
Bingo: Our online bingo has come to a rest for the foreseeable future and normal bingo will now return to our hall fully on Monday nights. We thank everyone who played the wonderful game online with us during the pandemic over the past 3 years. Online was a new way of doing bingo and we are not saying online is gone completely, we may consider other options. As it stands all Jackpot money frozen pre covid will now start to come back into play. The committee overseeing bingo will have the final say on how we go about this in a timely fashion and as always in full honesty and transparency. Again we say thank you for your continued support. if you have any questions call Stephen 087 6449500 or Kevin 087 1375222
Deepest sympathies: On behalf of the Committee of Streete Parish Park, we kindly pass on our sincere condolences to Mary and Brendan Mulligan and family, Coolamber on the recent passing of Mary’s mother, We are all saddened at hearing the news of Mary Ellen's passing. Our thoughts are with you at this darkest hour. May her gentle soul rest in heavenly peace.
Vintage Launch: The Committee would again like to thank everyone for coming out to support our vintage show launch in Lisryan last Sunday evening. We especially thank Grace and Martin Joyce of Leinster Livestock, Granard who offered to sponsor this year's show with a very generous contribution. We also thank our prize sponsors, Kiernan Milling Granard, Durkin Medical, Granard, Aidan Geerah, Ballinalack, The Crossroads Inn, Lisryan, David Mulligan Mechanical service, Coolamber and David Stell, Garage, Kilmore. We kindly ask for volunteer help on the day with Road control, Parking and general help in and around the hall and field, we ask that you please make yourself known to the committee for insurance cover reasons or contact me at 087 1375222. On behalf of our committee, we thank all who turned out to make this a memorable evening.
Blessing of the graves: will take place on Saturday 17th of June in Streete cemetery at 6.30, Coolamber at 7.15 and Boherquill at 8. Pm. You are invited to drop into the parish Park for a cup of tea and chat after the Blessing from 8 until 9 .30
Deepest sympathies: are extended to Maureen Owens and family, Kilmore, on the sad passing of her brother, Brendan, Barney, Maher. Macetown Navan. Barney passed away peacefully surrounded by his loving family by his side. He will be sadly missed by his loving sisters, Maureen and Elsie, His brother Dermot, Nieces, nephews, relatives and a wide circle of neighbours and friends. May his gentle soul rest in heavenly peace.
Streete Wildlife Club: The club would like to offer its condolences to Mary and Brendan Mulligan and family on the sad passing of Mary's mother. May she rest in peace.
RURAL SOCIAL SCHEME: Our community Centre has various Work places available for eligible farmers or family member who has access to a herd number, This is an opportunity to increase your weekly income while working 19.5 hours each week in a stressless environment and in the company of our dedicated CE workers. For a confidential chat, call Kevin at 087 1375222
STREETE VINTAGE SHOW: Reminder, our show will take place on Sunday, June 25th We ask you to spread the great news near and far, Flyers are available in The Parish Park. We ask you to take a few and spread the word. Every cent raised from our day goes into keeping your Community Centre open. Everyone is welcome to come along this Wednesday at 8 pm to allow you to have your say. As usual offers of help before and after the show would be greatly appreciated. Please contact James at 086 3125876 or Kevin at 087 1375222 if you think of something that will make our day memorable for everyone.
Boherquill Ramblers: The Ramblers welcomed the cooler temperatures in the forest at Kilbixy during their out-and-back walk on Sunday 4 June 2023. There were lots of butterflies and blue damsel flies in the pools of sunlight along the trail and birdsong among the trees. A few rhododendrons were blooming and one wild rose was covered in blossom.
On Sunday 18 June 2023 the Ramblers will walk at Ballinafid. Cars will meet at 2pm in the new car park on the side road signed for Ballinafid Lake on the N4 opposite the Multyfarnham turn-off (The Covert). Boots are advised for this boardwalk and forest trail walk.
A day out in Dublin is being planned for Sunday 2 July 2023 with a 9.30am bus departure.
If you would like to add a walk, new or old, to this year's Walks Calendar please contact Philip Epps. See boherquillramblers.ie for more information.
PARISH PARK LOTTO: Streete Parish Park Lotto Draw Monday 5th June 2023 Numbers Drawn, 4, 5, 18, 24 No Jackpot Winners Four Lucky Dip Winners of €25 each. Mary Leonard, Dublin, Online. Agnes Moore, Online. Luke Kiernan Jnr, Lismacaffrey. and Noelle Slowy, Legan. Thanks for your continued support. Our next lotto draw will take place on Monday 19th June.Jackpot €5500
Blessing of the Statue of our Lady: On Friday, June 23 a special blessing mass will be said to bless the statue of our Lady that was brought back from Medjugorje by members of the parish. The mass will be said by Frs Hughes, Fr Early and Fr Pepper on the Alter, followed by the rosary and the blessing of the Marian image. All are welcome to attend
Church Notes St James Church Streete: New dates coming shortly.
Church Notes St Marys, Streete/Rathowen: Masses and Adoration this week: This coming Sunday is the 11th Sunday in Ordinary Time. The Most Holy Body And Blood Of Christ.Vigil Mass every Saturday in Boherquill at 8 Pm. Sunday in Rathowen at 10 am. Mass this week Tuesday, Boherquill 9.30 Am. Wednesday Rathowen 9.30 Am Thursday, Rathowen 9.30 Am, adoration 10 to 10.30 Friday Boherquill 8 pm. Adoration 7 – 8 pm.
Mass intentions: Please remember in your prayers the soul of Anthony Donohoe, Streete & USA. Whose remembrance mass was last Saturday followed by the burial of his ashes in Streete. For Mass bookings or any other enquiries. Please contact Fr. Pierre on 087 6960542.
Upcoming dates to remember: Blessing of the graves of our dearly departed will take place on the 17th of June in Streete cemetery at 6.30, Coolamber at 7.15 and Boherquill at 8. pm. Blessing on 1st of July in Rathaspic at 7 pm and Russagh at 8 pm.
Rosary continues: Rathowen, every Tuesday at 7 pm and Boherquill every Thursday at 7 Pm.
Men’s Prayer Group: Every Monday in the church in Boherquill at 8 pm. New participants are always most welcome.
NOTES: If you would like to remind us of an upcoming event or would like to have something mentioned in the Streete and District notes, please email kbrady1964@gmail.com or call Kevin 087 1375222 before 5 pm Friday at the latest and remember folks if you don’t tell me I can’t tell them.

Streete Parish Park. All rights reserved.