Author: Kevin Brady
Published:  Sunday, January, 13, 2019
Streete & District Notes
CHRISTENING: - last Sunday in St. Mary’s Church, Boherquill Fr. Nigel celebrated the christening of baby, Fiadh Lily Carthy, daughter of Declan and Tracey Carthy and a granddaughter of Michael and Marian Dunne.  Baby Fiadh is a welcome sister for Jack and Caoimhe and we wish her a long and healthy life with the Carthy family at home in Ringowney.  The christening was attended by family members and friends at a celebration meal in Streete Parish Park with a hot meal and catering organised and managed by hotelier, John Feerick, Rathowen.  The younger members were well entertained with a massive Bouncing Castle and lots of treats in the Main Hall.  I would highly recommend the venue to any family having a birthday or celebration.  If interested call Tracey 087 9287129 or Mary or Anne in the office 043 6685926.

BINGO; - bingo continues every Monday night commencing at 8.30p.m. sharp in the Community Park Centre.  Should you be interested and wish to get details ring the office any Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday 043 6685926.  If you leave a message your call will be returned A.S.A.P.  At the moment the bingo Main Jackpot stands at €20,000 in 42 calls or less and the second jackpot also in 42 calls is building up nicely and is at €12,000.  There is also a separate raffle in each half with tickets costing €2 and a prize of €100 in each half.    On Monday night, 21st January we are holding a Monster Bingo with lots of money to be won.  Your continued support is greatly appreciated

WALKING: - as always at the beginning of a new year I get many enquiries about our Boherquill Ramblers Walking Club and as always we welcome any new members for 2019.  Philip and Maura will shortly produce our calendar of walks for the coming year, so for good value now is the time to join by contacting any of our members or call Brian 086 2596656,; Alice 0868130780 email or P.R.O. Philip Epps 087 7753612, otherwise look our web  As we plan for this year our walks, trips etc. we would welcome suggestions for walks, so don’t be shy just come along any Sunday for walk start at 2.00p.m., but for any exact details please call any of the numbers in advance.  Membership including insurance is only €20 for single or €30 for a family for the year.

AGM:  -please note I have been informed by Nini Murray, Secretary of Boherquill Ramblers Walking Club that the Club’s Annual General Meeting will take place on Sunday, 3rd February in Streete Parish Park Centre.  Should you have any item you would like to get put on the agenda please let her know on 086 8754411.  Additional information will be on the website and these local Streete notes in due course.

WALKING TRIP: - should you be interested in going to Wales with the Boherquill Ramblers at the end of May/June weekend please contact Nini or Chairperson Patricia Bruton to book.  A deposit of €50 is required to secure a place.  Please keep an eye on these notes each week and also for updates or call 086 8754411

FARM SOLD: - a very historic farm in Coolnagun in this parish and formerly owned by the late Michael Earley has been recently sold to a Mullingar businessman and we wish him happiness with his new property.  The late Michael Earley was a very highly regarded member of the local community and was one of the original founders and a trustee of Streete Parish Park – a venture he was very proud of.

POST BOX: - back to local news, it is very sad to notice the post box on the wall of what was our Post Office in Rathowen village has been removed now that the Post Office is closed and transferred to Aidan Geerahs premises in Ballinalack village where daily collection is 4p.m.  Best wishes are sent to Aidan who has extended his shop and filling station which includes a new coffee shop and restaurant.

BOHERQUILL RAMBLERS: - The effect of the last year's unusual weather was clear to see during the Ramblers walk at Multyfarnham on Sunday 6 January 2019. The water level in Lough Derravaragh was still low since last year's drought and the more recent mild weather meant there was lots of new spring growth on the flowers and bushes.
On Sunday 20 January 2019 the Ramblers will meet in Mullingar for an 8km walk along the Royal Canal from the Dublin Road Bridge to Baltrasna Bridge and back on the opposite side. Cars will leave Boherquill at 1.30pm and meet at 2pm at the free car park beside Bellview Health Centre on the Delvin Road in Mullingar. Walking boots are advised as the return part of the walk can be muddy.
The Boherquill Ramblers 2019 AGM will be held on Sunday 3 February at Streete Parish Park. Details will be given in future notes.
Members are reminded that annual subscriptions are now due: only €20 each or €30 for a family.
New members are always welcome. For details phone Philip at 087 7753612 or Nini at 086 8754411.

SOCIAL DANCING: - Our next Social Dance in Streete Parish Park is this Friday, 18th January with music by the ever popular, Andy Feery.  Dancing 10.00-12.30 with free raffle and refreshments on the night.  Come along for a good night’s entertainment.

DANCING LESSONS: - With James & Bernie every Sunday night in Streete Parish Park starting at 8.00p.m. Any enquiries to 086 2008739

Streete Parish Park. All rights reserved.