Local Note Update 15 October 2022

Author: Kevin Brady
Published:  Saturday, October, 15, 2022
Streete & District Notes

Active Retirement Trip:
Streete Active Retirement Group sign book of condolences at Leinster House.
A most memorable day out was had by the Streete Active Retirement Group when they made a visit to Dáil Éireann and the house of the Oireachtas in Leinster House on Thursday, October 13th last. The group had pre-planned this visit back in 2020 but unfortunately, covid had its own ideas and the tour had to be cancelled as the nation went into lockdown. The group leader Kevin Brady of Streete active Retirement, said we are delighted to be back out and about again after being out of circulation for so long. Covid was a trying time for us all but mainly for the young and those a little older and greater in age. I understand why it was necessary to ask people to cocoon but the restrictions, however, justified, caused enormous distress to our communities. For our older folk, it was a time of deep frustration which for many affected their mental health leaving long-lasting effects. Kevin said’’ we had a few meetings since the restrictions were eased but It wasn’t until our meeting in August that people seemed willing to gather and take part in our drop-in morning, which takes place once a month at our community centre. This all-important friendly chat and a cup of tea. is a great way for people to gain confidence and break away from the loneliness, isolation, and anxiety, built up from the pandemic. I feel people are more at ease now and willing to talk about the precious time lost which cannot be regained. So with the memory of Covid hopefully well in the past, we set about resuming our trips away and getting back to a new normal picking up where we left off. So with the group's approval, and a quick phone call to Martina in Peter Burkes constituency office a date was set and the Gardai Minibus was booked. It didn’t take long for the seats on the bus to be filled and off we set for Leinster house. I would like to thank Minister Peter Burke who made the visit possible, Peter was on hand to welcome us to Government buildings and made us feel at home. He left us in the very capable and knowledgeable hand of Paul an organised tour guide, who gave us a great tour of the beautiful government buildings. Before leading us to the viewing balcony, where we gazed down on the lower house and the live proceedings of the Dáil, our guide was magnificent, in his knowledge of Leister house and its history. He left us in no doubt to be a public reprehensive you had to be well-read and able to answer parliamentary questions from the benches regardless of which party you represent, this was evident as we entered Seanad Eireann and listened to some lively debate which I have to admit was very enjoyable and truly amazing to watch our public representatives in action. Kevin said this was my first time at Leinster house and I have to say, it was a great experience and a chance in a lifetime to fully understand how hard the work our elected members do and the long hours they put in, with our tour nearing the end our guide showed us into and the Dáil bar and restaurant where we enjoyed a lovely lunch surrounded by the company of public representatives and Minister senators and staff all openly welcoming and friendly. We are grateful to Peter Burke and Robert Troy and Senator Micheál Carrigy who joined us for a chat before our group made our way to the front hall where Peter and Robert asked us if we would like to sign the book of condolences as a mark of solidarity and sympathy with the families off Creeslough as an expression of our heartfelt sympathy and deepest condolences" This indeed was an honour in itself on behalf of our nation as our hearts and minds go out to the community Creeslough on this devastating tragedy who now have to come to terms with their great loss as they lay their loved ones to rest.
With our tour over we headed into the Museum Of Archaeology where we saw the magnificent Ardagh Chalice, made of gold, silver and precious gems and the Tara Brooch, a gem-encrusted brooch which extremely rich people would have worn. It was a great day out and we’d love to go again sometime in the future. I can’t describe how wonderful it is to be out and about again. I urge people to join an active retired group a club or any organisation which helps you beat of the loneliness and isolation of life and helps you to focus on the positive side of life, it's amazing how being part of something can alleviate the daily stress of living in these trying times, especially our older people, anyone is welcome to join our group, you don’t have to be from Streete, but a word of warning, our rules are few and we aim to keep it that way. Our motto is simple in the words of the great author Helen Keller. Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.
Bingo: Will return to our hall on Monday night 17th at 8.30. Bingo and Lotto will start back in the new with great prize money to be won. We appreciate everyone who has supported us over the years and especially throughout the Pandemic. We hope to continue Bingo online and in the hall every Monday night. But if the demand for online drops off we may consider coming offline as the costs are quite high. Anyone wishing to purchase books for online can do so in the usual way or pick up at the parish park on Fridays as you have been doing; So please spread the word. Your help and support is important to us. We invite all volunteer helpers to attend on the night. We can work out a rota for the various positions, like game callers, floor and shop staff etc If you would like to volunteer please come along.
Congratulations: and very well done to John Rogan Rathowen, Rogan Smokehouse, on winning two very prestigious Awards. Best in County award and the Chef’s Larder award, The Blas na hÉireann awards. recognises the very best in quality Irish produce and is the biggest competition in Ireland. John’s winning smoked sugar has a powerful aroma which envelops your senses and will bring a new taste to your Christmas roast ham, savoury dishes, desserts and drinks this year. Feel free to congratulate John and find out more about his wonderful products at 087 9904 707
Yoga Classes: Continue every Thursday at 7 pm in Rathowen community centre. €10 per session. For more information call Caroline on 087 142 0483 ALL WELCOME
Lotto: Parish Park Lotto Draw Monday 26th September 2022 Numbers Drawn 17, 18, 22, 26 No Jackpot Winners 4 Lucky Dip Winners of €25 each Weronika Golanka, Mullingar (Online)Aishling Ashton, Australia (Online) Kay Lynch, Cappagh Annie Reid, Mullingar. Thank you for your support. The next Lotto Draw will take place on Monday the 10th Jackpot €4650. results next week
Bun V Multy Congratulations: To Multyfarnham who have been crowned 2022 Junior 1 Football champions after a 1-10 to 1-05 win over Bunbrosna at Cusack Park last Saturday. Bunbrosna put up a great fight and were strong contenders to the very end. Your support was greatly appreciated by both neighbouring teams. Well done to all involved.

Social dance: Our next dance will take place on October 28th to the magical sound of Chris Dallat, from Co Antrim. Chris has played for us in the past and brings a great selection of get-out and dance music to suit all tastes. So tell all your friends a mighty night of music and dance with a light supper. All for only €10. Streete Parish Park M91 RC43
New Community Website: For the past two years, I have been working on developing a website for our Community Centre and one which would benefit our local community along with clubs and groups in the local area. The test website is now up and running and you can have a look by googling Streete and District.ie This new webpage will be of great benefit to the Parish Park and act as a platform for events, relaying the message of what's on and when. A new booking calendar will allow you the comfort of seeing when the community centre is available and encourage better use of the facilities. Clubs too can make use of the website to showcase relevant information like who you are, what your club does and when. This is a great way for other interested groups and members to easily contact you. The website is of great importance to our future and one which will soon be a requirement when applying for funding and assistance from local government. This is a great opportunity for your club to get connected to the world of communications. If your club is interested Call me on 087 1375222
Community Employment, Streete Parish Park: We have some community employment positions available at our community centre if anyone receiving social benefits would like to come on board. No qualifications are needed but opportunities are available to upskill and keep your present benefits while enjoying a social and friendly environment with like-minded people. Immediate start. flexible working time with training provided. Call Kevin 087 1375222
Christmas Market and Santa visit: Santa has confirmed he will make a flying visit to our community centre this year in person. If people can let us know in advance so as not to clash with other major markets and events we would be grateful. If you would like to book a stall we would love to hear from you, call or text Leigh 085 1119885 Kirsha 085 2728637 or Kevin 087 1375222
Halloween fun: In aid of Lisryan tidy village. Will take place In the Crossroads inn. Fun and games, fancy dress and children’s disco. Monday 31st October 7-9 pm €20 per family. Parental supervision is required. Looking forward to seeing everyone. Please support.

Wanted: If you are thinking of decluttering or clearing out your shed of old furniture, wood, building materials or tools. The guys at the parish park menshed would love to hear from you. Appeals in the past have always been good and over the years we have repurposed and made use of unwanted items in various projects which have helped the community and older persons. We are always on the lookout for things we can repurpose or use around the centre. We have a few ambitious projects in mind and would welcome help in sourcing useful items you might have no value on. We will gladly call and have a look at what you have and offer advice, so please don’t throw it before you show it. Call kevin 087 1375222 or Gerry 087 1230747
Children Swimming Classes: Westmeath County Council advise the last date to secure a place for the current set of lessons at Mullingar swimming pool, is October 23rd Call 044 9340262 for more info.
Badminton: I am following up on a few calls of enquiry over covid and more recently on the possibility of restarting a Badminton team in Streete Parish Park. please text or call me, a few people are eager in forming a team. You are welcome to join even from the wider area and all fitness levels are welcome.. 087 1375222
Volunteers Needed: We depend greatly on our Bingo to keep our community centre open. Your help will be greatly appreciated. Call kevin 087 1375222,
Church Notes: Masses & Adoration this week Streete/Rathowen: This coming Sunday is the 29th Sunday in Ordinary time. Vigil Mass every Saturday in Boherquill at 8 Pm. every Sunday in Rathowen at 10 am. Mass this week Tuesday, Boherquill 9.30 Am. Wednesday Rathowen 9.30 Am Thursday, Rathowen 9.30 Am, adoration 10 to 10.30 Friday Boherquill 8 pm. Adoration 7 – 8pm.
Mass intentions: Please remember in your prayers the souls of Frank McGivern, Streete. whose anniversary mass was last week. This Saturday, Anniversary mass for the souls of Marcella and John Mulligan, Coolamber.
For Mass bookings: or any other enquiries. Please contact Fr. Pierre on 087 6960542.
New Pastoral Committee: A new Pastoral committee will be formed in the coming weeks which will incorporate the parishes of Rathowen and Boherquill. If you would like to be part of this new initiative please contact Fr Pierre at 087 6960542. For more details. Fr Pierre would like to thank the present committee for the many years of dedicated loyalty and hard work.
First Holy Communion; As from, this year onward a great change is being made in how children are prepared for their first holy communion. This preparation will no longer take place in the school. From now on parents, themselves will now play a major part in their children's religious instruction. Parents and children are asked to attend the mass on Sundays, where they will be supported by the priest and dedicated workers. Easy learning classes and guidance will be readily on hand. For more info contact, Fr Pierre on 087 6960542.
Mass Choir; It's lovely to see a united Choir made up of members from both parishes of Streete and Rathowen, The choir is a joy to listen to and brings about a great sense of community spirit. Please feel free to join in or ask Fr Pierre or a choir member to join the rota.
Rosary continues: Rathowen, every Tuesday at 7 pm and Boherquill every Thursday at 7
Men’s Prayer Group: Every Monday in the church in Boherquill at 8 pm. New participants are always most welcome to join us and receive the support of other men in their prayers and personal life.
Blessing of homes: If anyone would like to have their home and family or car blessed Please contact Fr Pierre on 087 6960542.
NOTES: If you would like to remind us of an upcoming event or would like to have something mentioned in the Streete and District notes, please email kbrady1964@gmail.com or call Kevin 087 1375222 before 5 pm Friday at the latest and remember folks if you don’t tell me I can’t tell them.

Streete Parish Park. All rights reserved.