BIRTHDAY: - best wishes to Raymond Redmond, Abbeylara and previously from Correally in this parish who celebrated his 5oth  birthday with family and friends in Crawford’s Pub, Abbeylara last Friday night.  We wish him many happy returns of the day

LOTTO: - takes place during bingo in Streete Parish Park.  Please support our Park, Community Centre and facilities including the walkway by purchasing a lotto envelope for €2 per line or 3 envelopes for only €5.  Jackpot 1 - €20.000: Jackpot 2 – €9,000:  Lotto Jackpot €14,900.  Your support is what keeps this great Centre and facilities going. 

BREAKFAST: - Streete Parish Park Annual Big Breakfast morning in aid of new Defibrillator and upkeep of facilities takes place in the Centre on Sunday, 21st October 9.00a.m. to 1.00p.m.  For any further information contact 087 92877129 or 086 8123514.  We all remember the wonderful success this event was the last time, so we are giving good notice this year in case you wish to arrange to meet friends for the breakfast on Sunday October 21st.  All are welcome to attend, once you have a ticket which will be on sale shortly.
SOCIAL DANCING: - with music by Nigel Livingstone in Streete Parish Park on Friday night, September 21st from 10p.m. to 12.30.   Free raffle and refreshments on the night.  Admission for dance raffle tea etc. €10.  Please tell your friends and all are welcome, so why not try out our facilities for a good night out.

SLIMMING WORLD: - Continues in Streete Parish Park every Tuesday at 7.30p.m.  Call Sian 087 09299015.

BOHERQUILL RAMBLERS: - The Ramblers met at Killasonna School on Sunday 9 September 2018 for a loop walk around the quiet country lanes in the direction of Abbeylara. Warm sunny periods alternated with cooler windy spells and just a little light rain so everyone enjoyed the walk and the usual refreshments back at the school.
On Sunday 23 September 2018 Oliver Usher will lead the Ramblers on a  walk in Girley Bog near Kells with a new starting point for the walk. Cars will leave Boherquill at 1.30pm and meet at the church in Clonmellon at 2pm sharp before moving on to the bog.
New members are always welcome. For details phone Philip at 087 7753612 or Nini at 086 8754411.
See  All welcome.

Streete Parish Park. All rights reserved.