BOHERQUILL RAMBLERS: Start back with weekly walks following their August holiday break with a walk from Newtowncashel to Saints Island, on Sunday, 2nd September at the usual times at Boherquill at 1.30 p.m. and walk starts in Newtowncashel at 2 p.m. All welcome, especially new members.  For further info on walks please call Philip 087 7753612 or Alice 086 8130780

PRESENTATION of monies raised for charities by Streete Parish Park Vintage as part of their Annual Vintage Weekend takes place at a function in Feericks Hotel, Rathowen on next Fridaynight, August 24th when cheques will be presented to representatives of both The Irish Heart Foundation and the Motor Neurone Foundation.  We hope for a good attendance on the night when a good nights craic and fun will take place in aid of these two charities, which mean a lot to this parish and our vintage members.  Spot prizes for a raffle is welcome and can be left into the shop in Streete.

FAMILY RUN/WALK: Please note the annual 5k Road Run/Walk takes place from Streete Parish Park, starting at 7 p.m. on Friday 7th Sept.   This event is suitable for all the family and will end with refreshments in the Parish Park Centre after. All are welcome to join in and the start will be 7 p.m. sharp. Registration fee for adults €10 and under 16 years of age €5.  For any further information please call Declan 086 8123514 or Kevin 087 1375222.

DANCING CLASSES: Resume after the summer break on Sunday, 2nd Sept. At 8 p.m. in the Centre with James and Bernie. Any queries please call Mary or Anne on 043 6685926 in the Parish Park office or call 086 2003739.

KNOCK: Annual Diocesan Pilgrimage to Knock with Bishop Duffy is on Sunday, 2nd Sept.

SOCIAL DANCING:  Our next Social Dance will be held on Friday, 21st Sept.  Music will be provided by Nigel Livingston.  Dancing from 10p.m, to 12.30.  Free raffle and supper. Adm €10.

The Club would like to offer its sincere sympathy to Ber Fagan, Lisryan on the recent death of her mother in Dublin. May she rest in peace.

NOTES:  - For inclusion must be with Brian 086 2596656 or 043 6685116 by Friday night and week for inclusion or email

Streete Parish Park. All rights reserved.