Author: Kevin Brady
Published:  Saturday, January, 19, 2019
Streete & District Notes
DEATH: - we extend our sincere sympathy to Christy Salmon and the extended Salmon family on the sudden death of his brother, Noel, Commerstown, Collinstown on Monday, 14th January at his residence.  Noel  is predeceased  by his loving wife, Vivienne, daughters, Lee and Emma, sons Eric and Neil, brothers Tom and Christy, sister Marian (Gibney)  and a large extended family.  Noel’s removal took place to St. Mary’s Church, Collinstown on Wednesday, 16th, Funeral Mass on Thursday followed by burial afterwards in the local cemetery.  May Noel rest in peace.  Christy, who lives in Castlepollard is along with his sons, is the local bus operator in this district and known to      members of our Boherquill Ramblers Walking Club and to locals who travel on his local link buses.

SYMPATHY; - We extend sincere sympathy to the family of Seamus Kiernan, Legan whose death occurred on Tuesday, 15th January.  Seamus was predeceased by his sister, Marian Murtagh, brothers Kevin, Tom and Philip and his former wife, Antoinette (nee Donoghue) late of Ruthall, Streete.  Deeply regretted by his daughter, Fiona Callaghan and her husband Kieran, Edgeworthstown, grandchildren, Viola and Jack, his sister Margo McNamara, brothers Paddy and Michael, relatives and friends.  His funeral followed Mass in St. Mary’s Church, Edgeworthstown and he was laid to rest In Aughafin Cemetery.  May he rest in peace.
DEATH; -   It is with deep regret I wish to report the death in Boston of Molly
Sawyer nee Casey on Tuesday 15th January last. Molly was predeceased by her parents, Jack and Elizabeth Casey, her brother Paddy in
Rinroe by her grandmother Cahill, after whose death she moved to Correally
               with her father and brother, Paddy Casey. Molly is survived by
her husband Clarence, her son Patrick, stepchildren, cousins and many friends
               in Boston, in Co. Clare and in this parish. Her funeral took
place after mass in Boston last Saturday at which time her remains were
cremated.          May her gentle soul rest in peace. Her late brother Paddy is
still remembered in a special way by the older members of this community

PARISH MORNING: - During the past number of months Jim Phelan, owner of Fiddlers Green pub, Streete hosted a drop in style morning in his pub.  Due to changes with Jim’s health opening hours of the pub and shop have had to be changed and the shop is only open from 10.00a.m. - to 12noon and again from 4p.m. until closing time.  I am glad to report Jim is making progress and we all remember him and wish him continued progress to full health.  The Chairman and committee of our parish Park have unanimously agreed to continue, what started as Jim’s idea, and hold a morning get together on the third Thursday morning of each month from 11.00a.m.-12.30 when all will be welcome to call to the Centre for a complimentary tea/coffee morning and if you feel like bringing a tart or scones all the better.  All welcome.  For any further information call Declan 086 8123514 or Brian 086 2596656.  We are open to any suggestions that might help.  The first such morning is Thursday, 24th  January.  Watch this space for details each month.  We hope anyone free at the time will come along and keep in touch.  Time and date each month can be discussed at our first get together.

ST CHRISTOPHERS: - The Edgeworthstown Branch of St. Christopher’s, Longford in conjunction with Boherquill Ramblers  Walking Club held a fundraiser walk last Sunday starting and ending at Streete Parish Park which as always was a huge success.  Eamon Cathy, Chairman of St. Christopher’s (Edgeworthstown Branch) asks me to sincerely thank Boherquill Ramblers Chairperson, Patricia Bruton and Parish Park Chairman, Declan Carthy for their wonderful help and support with this worthy fundraiser.  Thanks to the ladies who once again provided tea etc. after the walk and Tracey Carthy and Lily Parker who organised and sold raffle tickets.  As always prizes for the raffle were donated, so all I can say is a big thank you to one and all.

STREETE LOTTO: -  results of lotto held in Streete Parish Park on Monday, 14th January are as follows: - 6,13,16 19 and the winners were M O’Hara c/o C & D, Mgt. Nea,Imelda Kelly.  Next Lotto draw will be held on Monday, 28th January when the jackpot will be €15,000.  Thank you all very much for your ongoing support of our Lotto.
REMINDER - TABLE QUIZ: - This Friday night in Fiddlers green pub, Streete at 9pm.  Streete Watch Community alert Committee are running a Fundraiser Table Quiz to raise funds to progress on the good work already done. 
Quizmaster will be Padraig Flynn with questions to test everyone’s knowledge across a wide range of topics.  There will be a Raffle on the night; we would welcome your generosity in supporting the night with prizes or donations. Tables of 4, €40 Junior table €20  Contact any of the committee, or call Paula 087 6565689 or Kevin 087 1375222.

BOHERQUILL RAMBLERS: - The Ramblers joined many local people at Streete Parish Park for  a walk to raise funds for St Christopher's Services for people with intellectual difficulties on Sunday 13 January 2019. Their 6km loop walk took them past the ruins of Nugent's Castle near Coolamber and the old graveyard on the same quiet road. After the walk the group were treated to refreshments and a raffle at the Parish Park. Many thanks to Eamon Carthy and all those involved in organising the afternoon.
The Boherquill Ramblers 2019 AGM will be held on Sunday 3 February at Streete Parish Park. Details will be given in future notes.
Anyone who wishes to secure a place on the Members trip to Wales over the June Bank Holiday (31 May to 3 June 2019) should contact Nini Murray at 086 8754411
asap. A €50 deposit is required. Nini will have more details in due course.
Members are reminded that annual subscriptions are now due: only €20 each or €30 for a family.
New members are always welcome. For details phone Philip at 087 7753612 or Nini at 086 8754411.

SOCIAL DANCE; - A most enjoyable Social Dance took place in Streete Parish Park Centre last Friday with music by Andy Feery.  Many of our regulars attended a music weekend in Donegal; never the less a good crowd attended our dance. Our next dance will be on Friday, 15th February when music will be by Matt Leavy when we hope to see you all there.

Streete Parish Park. All rights reserved.