Author: Kevin Brady
Published:  Sunday, September, 2, 2018
Streete & District Notes
APOLOGY: - regarding our 5k walk/run, I made an error in these notes last week.  The event is of course this coming Friday evening, 7th September starting at 7p.m. from Streete Parish Park. The walk is on road and suitable for families to take part in.  I regret any inconvenience or disappointment caused in last week’s details in the papers.  The walk will be followed by refreshments and a bit of get together in the centre.  Registration for adults is €10 and under 16 years of age €5.  Please try to rectify my mistake by passing on the word to your workmates and friends.  I hope to see you on Friday from 6.30p.m. on.  Contact Declan 086 8123514 or Kevin 087 1375222.

IRISH HEART FOUNDATION: - A very appreciative letter of gratitude was received from Mairead McMeel, Regional Manager of the Irish Heart Foundation to the organising committee of Streete Parish Park Vintage Day for, and I quote “our very generous donation towards this and in previous years to the Foundation”.  As you know the Irish Heart Foundation seeks to affect positive change in the lifestyle of Irish people. To achieve better outcomes for those affected by heart disease and stroke and to challenge when the health of our nation is put at risk.  “Thanks to your generosity, you help us to be the largest voluntary funder of heart and stroke research in Ireland.  The money donated helps us run the largest national resuscitation training network in the country to save lives from cardiac arrest, and fund prevention programmes in communities, schools and workplaces benefit 1.2 million children and adults nationwide”.  The Irish Heart Foundation can be contacted on 016685001 or you can visit their website at  Warmest thanks once again to all who support Streete Parish Park committee and their efforts.

MOTOR NEURONS FOUNDATION: - on the same night as the above Streete Parish Park Vintage presented a similar cheque to the Irish Motor Neurones Foundation to help with their amazing support and their research.  This cheque was presented by Chairman, Declan Carthy and accepted by Helena Kiernan on behalf of the foundation in memory of her late father, Luke Kiernan a founder member of Street Parish Park.  A sincere thanks to all for continued support.

SYMPATHY:   to Mrs. Dan McCarthy and family Galmoylestown, Mullingar whose husband, Dan passed away on Thursday, 23rd August.  May he rest in peace.  Dan was a long time President of the revised National Land League and later Chairman of the I.C.M.S.A.  Dan also served as an elected member of Westmeath County Council for almost two decades.  A great man for Rural Ireland and for County Westmeath.  He was always willing to help Community Groups without having to be asked.  He is survived by his wife, Anne, son Oliver, daughters Marguerite, Regina and Noleen.  We offer our sympathy to Anne and the extended family.  Dans funeral Mass and burial took place on Monday of last week in Taughmon.

SOCIAL DANCING: - with music by Nigel Livingstone in Streete Parish Park on Friday night, September 21st from 10p.m. to 12.30.   Free raffle and refreshments on the night.  Admission for dance raffle tea etc. €10.  Please tell your friends and all are welcome, so why not try out our facilities for a good night out.

SADNESS: - is experienced in Rathowen and Streete parishes, at the confirmation that our Post Office in Rathowen will close - what a loss to so many.

Coolamber ICA
Following our summer break the monthly meetings of Coolamber ICA Guild will resume in Streete Parish Park on Wednesday 5th September at 8.00p.m. In mid-July the Guild had a very enjoyable outing to Powerscourt and Avoca. Now we look forward to a busy year ahead. As usual new members are very welcome to come along to our meetings. You may attend two meetings free of charge before becoming a member, so ladies think about it!

Boherquill Ramblers: - For the second walk of their new season the Ramblers will visit Killasona near Granard on Sunday 9 September 2018. Cars will leave Boherquill at 1.30pm and meet at Killasona school at 2pm for an 8km road walk; a shorter option will be possible.
New members are always welcome: phone Philip at 087 7753612 or Nini at 086 8754411 for details.

Streete Parish Park. All rights reserved.