Local Note Update 20 April 2024

Author: Kevin Brady
Published:  Saturday, April, 20, 2024
Streete & District Notes

The Oskars

A very successful Presentation and information night was held in the Parish Park Last Friday for our upcoming fundraiser ‘A Night at the Oskars’ attended by over sixty people, including people from local businesses and clubs, parents, teachers, extended family members, in other words everyone and anyone who had interest in taking part.

Kevin and Derek from Rowe Events was in attendance to give information about the event, displaying clips from previous movies created by them in other communities, including classics like Michael Collins, The Snapper, Mrs. Doubtfire, Braveheart, Sister Act and many more. The quality of the production was truly remarkable considering the actors who were complete novices, as will be the case of our upcoming venture.

The Oskars has been a huge success throughout the country over the last decade and used by many different clubs and societies to raise funding. Our next step is the Casting night which will take place on Wednesday 8th of May. Your never too late to get involved all you need to do is have fun while taking part supporting your community. to find out more call Michael 087 9901890 Joan 0860755175 or Kevin 087 1375222

Deepest Sympathies

The Committee of Streete Parish Park. Kindly pass on our sincere condolences to the Geraghty Family Mullingar. We are saddened at hearing the sad news of Collette’s untimely passing. A loyal friend and supporter of our Monday night Bingo over the years. May her gentle soul rest in heavenly peace.

The Oskars

As you are now aware our oskars night is on 19th of October. From now on we will be hosting fundraising events all in the name of fun while supporting our community. We are looking for actors, volunteers, and contributors to come up with ideas on events to hold like table Quizzes field days etc. and whatever you think would be successful fundraiser.

We want you to feed your thoughts and ideas back to us so we can set out a calendar of events over the coming months. Looking forward to your thoughts ASAP

Social Dancing

This coming Friday April 26th:

We have the very talented Brid Shaughnessy from Ballinalee who was one of our star performers at last year’s vintage show. A brilliant night of Dancing is guaranteed. Doors open from 9.00 till Late.

Exercise For Healthy Ageing

A full attendance with lots of chat and banter at our over 50 + fitness morning last week. Thank you to Garry Hughes of fit for 50 and Westmeath Community Development for supporting us in this program. Classes will continue Tuesday mornings at 10am to 11am Please come along and spread the great news and arrive 15 minutes before class to get ready.


Will take place in St Mary’s Church Boherquill, at 3 Pm on Saturday. Bishop Paul will make his first visit to our parish where he will confirm 32 children from the parish of Rathowen and Streete.


To Laura Pakenham, Lisryan who is setting new records in making the Irish language trendy again. Laura set up her own online tutoring site on TikTok which has now become a runaway success. Laura also appeared on Virgin Media Television recently and works as a social media coordinator with TG4. We wish Laura every success in the future and hope we see more of her on TV.

Sean Nos Dancing

Most of you over the years will have stood and watched Kevin Conniff preforming his ‘old style’ Dancing at our Vintage show, I have been asked if it was possible to find a teacher who could Learn Adults the rhythms of this old-style traditional dance for beginners and improvers. I have found a lady willing to take on the challenge and come once a week for five weeks with a one-hour class.

So, with this in mind, if you would like to Master the skills to dance confidently and gain valuable knowledge about music and tradition of Irish dance, please let me know ASAP and we can get started, Kevin 087 1375222

WHIST Card Game

Next game Monday 22nd 11 am It’s great to see people coming out and enjoying the game of Whist, don’t be left out come along and just for fun: in the parish park. Whist is an easy game to learn and play and offer a new social outing for people. Expert tuition on hand.

St. Fintan's N.S. Lismacaffrey

Enrolling for 2024 Enrolment Forms for new pupils for the school year 2024/2025 are now available at the school. School Telephone No. 043 6685233 Email: stfintansnslismacaffrey@gmail.com

Parish Park Lotto

Streete Parish Park Lotto Draw Monday 25th March 2024

Numbers Drawn

  • 13-15-20-23
  • No jackpot winner

Four Lucky Dip Winners

  • Aishling Ashton, Australia, Online.
  • Sean O’Neill Russagh.
  • Carola O’Brien, Castlepollard.
  • Frank Lyons, Legan.

Thanks for your continued support. Our next draw will take place on Monday 22nd of April. Jackpot €2750

Boherquill Ramblers

The Ramblers braved frequent showers on their visit to the charming and very historic village of Ardagh in County Longford on Sunday 14 April 2024. The stone estate workers’ cottages, clock tower and churches were built by the Fetherstone family, and the construction of the estate’s walls provided relief work during the famine. The Ramblers walk took in most of the Brí Leith loop trail in the forest on Ardagh Mountain near the village. The trails through the forest were very well maintained and there were panoramic views at several locations.

The Ramblers will visit Kilbeggan on Sunday 28 April 2024.Cars will meet at the canal harbor in Kilbeggan at 2pm. To find the harbor take the side road next to St James Church in Kilbeggan, at the start of the Tullamore Road, and the harbor is on the left about half a kilometer past the church (There is a Greenway sign at the entrance to the car park). The walk is out and back on a good surface with an option to return part of the way on grass. If you would like to add a walk, new or old, to the Walks Calendar please contact Philip Epps. See boherquillramblers.ie for more information.

Church Notes St Mary’s, Streete/Rathowen

Masses and Adoration. This Coming Sunday is the 5 Sunday in Easter.

Masses this week:

  • Boherquill Tuesday 9.30am.
  • Wednesday Rathowen 9.30am.
  • Thursday, Rathowen 9.30am.
  • Adoration 10:00 to 10.30 Friday,
  • Boherquill, 8:00 pm with adoration 7 to 8 pm.

NOTE: Pastoral meeting in Boherquill on Tuesday April 23rd at 8 Pm.

Mass intentions

Please remember in your prayers the souls of soul of:

  • Joe Tiernan, Burgesland. whose Anniversary Mass was last Saturday.
  • This Saturday Anniversary Mass for the souls of John and Mary Blessington, Coolamber.

Mass bookings are now being taken, please contact Fr. Pierre on 087 6960542

Trocaire Boxes and Easter Dues

Thank you to everyone who has returned their boxes. The Easter Dues are now due, the money offered goes to the upkeep of the priests in the diocese, you support is always appreciated.

Dates to Remember

  • Confirmation in Boherquill April 27th Blessing of the Graves June 22nd.
  • Streete 6.30, Coolamber 7.15
  • Mass in Boherquill cemetery at 8pm with refreshments after in Streete Parish Park.
  • Trip to Medjugorje 2024 Pilgrimage October 2nd Contact Jerry Nally 087 4309096.

NOTES: If you would like to remind us of an upcoming event or would like to have something mentioned in the Streete and District notes, please email kbrady1964@gmail.com or call Kevin 087 1375222 before 5 pm Saturday at the latest and remember folks if you don’t tell me I can’t tell them

Streete Parish Park. All rights reserved.