Local Note Update 22 April 2023

Author: Kevin Brady
Published:  Saturday, April, 22, 2023
Streete & District Notes

Streete Notes 22nd April 2023
The Alzheimer Society: Westmeath Branch, is holding its annual Tea Day on Friday 5th May from 11.00 - 14.00 in Mullingar Bridge and Amenity Centre, Bellview Mullingar. All support will be greatly appreciated.
COMMUNITY CALL: Bingo callers wanted! Have fun, socialising and gain confidence in public speaking. We need bingo callers to work as part of a roster. please get in contact with Kevin at 087 1375222 or Steven at 087 6449500 if you think this position could be for you.
Litter and Dumping: All the great work achieved by local people and the Council over recent years is starting to untangle once again. Dumping in our bogs and along our roads is nothing more than a disgraceful act by those who go out of their way to disrespect our community. Westmeath CoCo has offered to supply HiVis, Pickers and gloves to our community if we can put together a group of volunteers who are willing to do a litter pick over the coming months. Feedback please 087 1375222 Thank you.
COMMUNITY CALL: The community centre is in great need of volunteer support. This can be as little or as much time as you are willing to give. You don’t have to be from the parish, everyone is welcome to contribute. Call 087 1375222 or any committee member
STREETE VINTAGE SHOW: Our show will take place on Sunday, June 25th We ask you to spread the great news far and near, We will hold an open meeting soon to give people the opportunity to have their say. As usual offer of help before and after the show would be greatly appreciated. Please contact James at 086 3125876 or Kevin at 087 1375222 if you think of something that will make our day memorable for everyone.
Killeen Dramatic Society Present: an upcoming production of John B Keanes, Play. SIVE. In Granard Community Centre on April 28th, 29th, 30th. Curtain up at 8 pm. Tickets are on sale at the door.
BOHERQUILL RAMBLERS: The Ramblers had a break at the Sligo Southern Hotel in Sligo from April 11th to 15th 2023. Walks beside the Garavogue River on Tuesday and at the foot of Benbulben and Rosses Point on Wednesday were not stopped by wind and rain. Thursday and Friday were beautiful days for walks at Slishwood beside Lough Gill and at Strandhill, with views of mountains, loughs and the sea to savour. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed the break, both the walkers and those who spent time shopping in Sligo. Thank you to the staff at the Sligo Southern Hotel for their great welcome, delicious food and very comfortable accommodation. Thanks also to Declan Leonard who made the bookings and Mary McHugh for handling the finances. The Ramblers will meet at 2pm at Killasona School on Sunday 30 April 2023 for an 8km loop walk with a shorter option available. If you would like to add a walk, new or old, to this year's Walks Calendar please contact Philip Epps. See boherquillramblers.ie for more information.
SCHOOL TRANSPORT: Applications are now open for School Year 2023/24 and bookings are now being accepted. The closing date for applications is Friday 28th April 2023 Check it out on. school transport. bus Eireann.ie
Parish Park Lotto: Streete Parish Park Lotto Draw Monday 10th April Numbers Drawn: 11, 14, 17, 28 No Jackpot Winners Four Lucky Dip Winners STREETE WILDLIFE CLUB, Online Cecilia Plunkett, Mayo, Online Pete Donnelly, Legan, C/O Lily Margaret McGuire, Ballynacaragy. Thank you for your continued support. Our next Lotto Draw will take place on Monday 24th April Jackpot will be €5300
SENIORS ALERT SCHEME: The senior alert monitor is a great benefit to anyone over the age of 65 or someone who has a mobility issue. If you already have a personal monitored alarm, we can organise it to be upgraded free of charge. for more information contact Kevin 087 1375222 Paula 087 9680739
Church Notes St James Church Streete: Morning Prayers In Streete at 9.15 am, on Sunday, May 7th Sunday, May 21st All welcome
Trocaire Boxes; A sincere word of thanks to all who have returned their box. The proceeds of your fasting and the money received will go directly to the 4 corners of the world to help relieve the hunger and sickness of our fellow man. If you have not yet returned you can do so in a special basket at mass or contact Fr Pierre of Fr Early
Church Notes St Marys, Streete/Rathowen: Masses and Adoration this week: This coming Sunday is the 17th Sunday in Ordinary time. Vigil Mass every Saturday in Boherquill at 8 Pm. Sunday in Rathowen at 10 am. Mass this week Tuesday, Boherquill 9.30 Am. Wednesday Rathowen 9.30 Am Thursday, Rathowen 9.30 Am, adoration 10 to 10.30 Friday Boherquill 8 pm. Adoration 7 – 8 pm. Easter Dues for the upkeep of the priests in the Diocese are now being collected. On behalf of all the priests, I thank you for your generous support and kindness.
Mass intentions: Please remember in your prayers the souls of Brian, Agnes, Colm and Martha Reilly, Ballew, Lismacaffrey. whose Anniversary mass was last Saturday. Anniversary mass this Friday night for the souls of Tom and Annie Devaney, Coolamber. Anniversary mass this Saturday for the souls of Josephine Tommy Reilly Lisryan and DFM. For Mass bookings or any other enquiries. Please contact Fr. Pierre on 087 6960542.
Upcoming dates to remember: Sunday 30th April. Pentecost Sunday and First Holy Communion, May 28th Blessing of the graves will take place on the 17th of June in Streete cemetery at 6.30, Coolamber at 7.15 and Boherquill at 8. pm. Blessing on 1st of July in Rathaspic at 7 pm and Russagh at 8 pm.
Rosary continues: Rathowen, every Tuesday at 7 pm and Boherquill every Thursday at 7 Pm.
Men’s Prayer Group: Every Monday in the church in Boherquill at 8 pm. New participants are always most welcome.
Blessing of homes: Easter Holy water is available in both churches. If anyone would like to have their home, family or car blessed, Please contact Fr Pierre on 087 6960542.
NOTES: If you would like to remind us of an upcoming event or would like to have something mentioned in the Streete and District notes, please email kbrady1964@gmail.com or call Kevin 087 1375222 before 5 pm Friday at the latest and remember folks if you don’t tell me I can’t tell them.

Streete Parish Park. All rights reserved.