Local Note Update 22 July 2023

Author: Kevin Brady
Published:  Saturday, July, 22, 2023
Streete & District Notes

Streete Notes 22nd July 2023
Deepest sympathies: Are extended to the O’Hara and Campbell family, on the sad passing of John O’Hara, Kilasona and formerly Coolnagun. John, passed away peacefully on Wednesday last surrounded by his family. He is predeceased by his parents, James and Mary, sisters Brigid Killasonna, Nell Campbell, Streete and Maureen Prunty, Newtownforbes, brothers Hugh Coolnagun, Fr. Ned Lisryan and Fr. Michael, Sacramento, his nieces Bridget Campbell and Ann Prunty Killian. John will be sadly missed and fondly remembered by his brother, Patsy, Ballinagh, sister-in-law Maeve, nieces, nephews, grand-nieces, grand-nephews, extended family and a large circle of friends and neighbours. May his gentle soul rest in heavenly peace.
New Baby: Congratulations and best wishes to Stephen and Erin Keary, Boherquill, on the birth of their first baby. Baby Callum, arrived into the world safe and well and is looking forward to cuddles and hugs from his excited grandparents, Geraldine and Johnny, Eugene and Bernie, aunties, uncles, family and friends. We welcome baby Callum into the world and wish Stephen, Erin and Callum, every happiness in their future and may their lives be filled with Joy, great health, happiness and very special moments.
Recent Thunderstorm: I have been made aware and reported that some of our senior personal alarms may not be working due to the recent lightning strikes. This seems to have affected quite a few Senior Alert Monitors in our area. I ask that if you have a monitor you check to see if it's working properly. If you are unsure or need help please call me 087 1375222 and I will do my best to get it back working or replaced ASAP.
Congratulations: and best wishes to newlyweds, Karen Keary, Kilmore and Philip Prenter, Belfast. The couple made a welcome return home from Queensland Australia to celebrate and share a most memorable and beautiful day with family and close friends. Karen is a daughter of Geraldine and Johnny Keary, Kilmore, who are delighted to add another Son to the family. We wish Karen and Philip every happiness in their future plans together and we wish them both a long and happy life filled with great joy, riches and good health.

Recent Braevement: On behalf of the Committee of Streete Parish Park Vintage Club. We kindly pass on our sincere condolences to Dominic Egan and Family. We are all deeply saddened on hearing the sad news of Eamon Egan’s passing. Eamon and his family have been great supporters of our vintage show over the years. Our thoughts are with his family at this darkest hour. May his gentle soul rest in heavenly peace.
Heart Health: The Irish Heart Foundation’s Mobile Health Unit will be outside the Library in Granard on Wednesday 2nd August from 10 am – 2 pm. This is a great chance to pop in and have a little check-up free of charge. No booking necessary. It could save your life.
Bullock Missing: A farmer in the Clonca, Tinode area of the parish is appealing to his neighbouring farmers to check their fields and herd to see if they have one animal too many. The farmer reports that the Black and white Friesian, Simmental breed bullock, which has short horns has gone missing and was last seen about a month ago. The animal may have strayed to another farm, The farmer would like to rule out the possibility that the bullock has been stolen. The owner fears that the bullock may have got out of its field and been driven along the road by traffic as animals would normally return to a herd. There were 20 other cattle in the same field it went missing from. Gardai have been informed. Anyone with any information is asked to call the farmer on 086 8310574 or Edgeworthstown Gardai on 043 6671002
Vintage Plaques: It was great to receive so many phone calls of great praise and kind words of grateful appreciation from vintage supporters and the general public who attended our show recently, These calls came from as far away as Derry, Cork, and Wexford to name but a few, The Committee would again like to say a great big thank you to everyone who turned out to help at the show. Your support means a great deal to us and without your help, it would not be possible to hold the event. As always we hold back a few plaques in case someone who would normally be with us could not attend. If you know of anyone who would like to have a plaque as a momentum, please let us know. We are extremely grateful for your time, help and support. Call kevin 087 1375222, or James 086 3125876

SOCIAL DANCING: A great night of Social Dancing will take place in The Parish Park on Friday, July 28th with the very popular Unity, so get your dancing shoes shined up for some lively dance and Jiveing.
Boherquill Ramblers: The Ramblers walked on the new boardwalk at Cloncrow Bog, just outside Tyrrellspass on Sunday 16 July 2023. This fine boardwalk was opened earlier this year following much hard work by the community in Tyrrellspass and is part of a scheme to re-wet a large area of bog. A 3.5km looped trail includes the bog and several places of historical interest in the village, making Tyrrellspass well worth a visit. On Sunday 30 July 2023, the Ramblers will meet for the last walk before their summer break at 2 pm at SONNA NATIONAL SCHOOL, 10km from Mullingar on the Mullingar to Ballynacargy road. This will be a walk along the Royal Canal to Coolnahay and back with the possibility of seeing the ‘Float to the Fleadh’ boats along the way. All Ramblers are wished a happy and healthy August break, the next walk will be on Sunday 3 September 2023. If you would like to add a walk, new or old, to this year's Walks Calendar please contact Philip Epps. See boherquillramblers.ie for more information.
PARISH PARK LOTTO: Streete Parish Park Lotto Draw Monday 17th July 2023 Numbers Drawn: 3, 4, 11, 27 No Jackpot Winners 4 Lucky Dip Winners of €25.John Mulligan, (Online) Shane Murtagh c/o Bridie Lynch. Mick Doherty, c/o Lily Karie and Phil Prenter, Brisbane, Australia. The next Draw will take place on Monday 31st July. Jackpot €5650. Thanks for your continued support
LISRYAN TIDY VILLAGE COMMITTEE: Are holding a family fun-filled weekend on July 28th to 30th at the Community Park field in Lisryan. The weekend will start with Mass in Lisryan Park on Friday at 8 pm all are welcome. If you have something that you would like to showcase/sell at the event call Angela 087 144 1646
Church Notes St James Church Streete: New dates coming shortly.
Church Notes St Marys, Streete/Rathowen: Masses and Adoration this week: This coming Sunday is the 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time. Vigil Mass every Saturday in Boherquill at 8 Pm. Sunday in Rathowen at 10 am. Mass this week Tuesday, Boherquill 9.30 Am. Wednesday Rathowen 9.30 Am Thursday, Rathowen 9.30 Am, adoration 10 to 10.30 Friday, Mass in Lisryan Park at 8 pm
Mass intentions: Please remember in your prayers the soul of all our dearly departed and those who have gone to their eternal rest. Remember the soul of Tony Boyce, Lismacaffrey whose 2nd anniversary was last week. Next Saturday. No Intentions. For Mass bookings or any other enquiries. Please contact Fr. Pierre on 087 6960542.
Rosary continues: Rathowen, every Tuesday at 7 pm and Boherquill every Thursday at 7 Pm.
Men’s Prayer Group: Every Monday in the church in Boherquill at 8 pm. New participants are always most welcome.
NOTES: If you would like to remind us of an upcoming event or would like to have something mentioned in the Streete and District notes, please email kbrady1964@gmail.com or call Kevin 087 1375222 before 5 pm Friday at the latest and remember folks if you don’t tell me I can’t tell them.

Streete Parish Park. All rights reserved.