Local Note Update 22 October 2022

Author: Kevin Brady
Published:  Saturday, October, 22, 2022
Streete & District Notes

Table Quiz: In
Bingo Every Monday Night 8.30: It was great to see Bingo back in the hall after such a long time, The committee would like to thank all the volunteers who turned out to support us and make everyone feel comfortable. We are still finding our way with the new Hybrid bingo system. This new blend of online bingo and hall bingo makes the game more accessible for all who enjoy playing the wonderful game. Covid provided many challenges for everyone and like many, we were forced to adapt and provide a solution that was accessible and easy to use for all our loyal supporters. To be fair to everyone the committee decided to introduce online bingo at the start of the Covid lockdown. To do this the Main jackpot was frozen and will remain so until we are satisfied that we can continue or not with both online and hall bingo, Jackpot number 2 has supported the online bingo throughout Covid and we will continue to use this prize money in smaller jackpot prizes as we have been doing throughout the past two plus years or until it is won or runs out. We're proud to say that we were able to do this and people could play the wonderful game of bingo from the comfort and safety of their own homes. The parish Park Committee prides itself on transparency, fairness and goodwill of its volunteers and we will continue to do so. We appreciate everyone who has supported us over the years and especially throughout the Pandemic. We hope to continue Bingo online and in the hall every Monday night. But as we have already emphasised if the demand for online drops off we may consider coming offline as the costs are quite high. Anyone wishing to purchase books for online can do so in the usual way or pick up at the parish park on Fridays as you have been doing; So please spread the word we are back. If you have any queries or would like to discuss our Bingo, prize money or Jackpots we are always willing to chat and find new ways to improve the wonderful game. Please call James 086 3125876 Stephen 087 6449500 or Kevin 087 1375222
Social dance: A reminder, Our next will take place this coming Friday, 28th to the magical sound of Chris Dallat, from Co Antrim. Chris has played for us in the past and brings a great selection of get-out and dance music to suit all tastes. So tell all your friends a mighty night of music and dance with a light supper. All for only €10. Streete Parish Park M91 RC43
Active Retirement Trip: Another memorable day out was had by the Streete Active Retirement Group on Saturday last when we visited the medieval town of Athlone. Our day trippers enjoyed a leisurely tour of the Castle museum which is filled with intriguing and interesting artefacts along If you would like to join us on our next trip please call Kevin 087 1375222 or Mary 087 0695148 ASAP.
Fairy Light Tractor Run: There were great scenes of excitement in Streete Parish Park last December when our first Fairy light Tractor Road Run took place. The convoy of around 80 Tractors set off from Streete Parish Park around 6 p.m, the participants followed a speed-controlled management vehicle which set the pace along the well-organised 10 Km route before the incredible sight made its way back to Streete Parish Park. The run was a fantastic success. We hope to do a run this year again on Wednesday, December 28th For more Call Declan on 086 8123514 or Kevin on 087 1375222
The Streete Bowls Club: New members are very welcome to join the club and we would encourage you to come to the Streete Complex on Tuesday nights at 8 o'clock for a great night of fun. Instructions for newcomers are given by experienced club members.

FIREARM RENEWALS: Local Gardai ask that anyone who holds a firearm to please follow a few simple tasks when filling out their renewal forms. You will receive your Firearm Renewal form 3 months before it expires. Gardai ask, that you fill out the details at your earliest convenience. and return the forms for processing to your local station. You do not have to physically meet with a Garda in person for your application to be processed. Please ensure the following is carried out: (1) Enter your Eircode on the front page top right. (2) Please ensure an up-to-date passport-size photograph accompanies the form. (3) Ensure your G.P. Doctor’s details are entered. name, address & phone number. (4) Ensure you sign your name on the second last page above signature & date it. (5) Know your area: For all townlands in the Westmeath area, north of the water lane Streete. Such as.Kilmore, Fearmore, Dunamon, Clonconnell, Correaly, Kildevin, Coolnagun, Boherquill, Coolamber, Lismacaffrey, Lisduff, Ballew, Chancery, Clonmore, Milkernagh, Corralanna, Kilshallow, Kiltareher. This area is Castlepollard. Put your completed form through the letterbox at Castlepollard Garda. Station. All townlands in Westmeath, south of the water lane such as Burgesland, bottomy, Baradrum, Culvin, Rath, Garriskil, Tinode, and Cornaccusk. Your area is Multyfarnham. Put your completed form through the letterbox at Multyfarnham Garda Station. If you need to update your address, referees etc. please do so in the spaces provided. Gardaí at these stations will forward your application to the Superintendent in Mullingar for further processing. When processed. You will then receive a grant letter issued by the Superintendent in Mullingar detailing you to go to your local Post Office and to pay €80 for each application which will last for 3 years. Please note: Gardaí do not deal with any payments for new or renewal applications.

Lotto: Streete Parish Park Lotto Draw Monday 24th October 2022 Numbers Drawn: 8, 20, 28, 30 No Jackpot Winners 4 Lucky Dip Winners. Agnes Moore, Online. Lousie Tiernan, Streete, Online. Margaret Tighe, Streete. Ollie Boylan, Legan. Thanks for your support. Next Draw takes place on Monday 7th November Jackpot €4750
Community Employment, Streete Parish Park: We have some community employment positions available at our community centre if anyone receiving social benefits would like to come on board. No qualifications are needed but opportunities are available to upskill and keep your present benefits while enjoying a social and friendly environment with like-minded people. Immediate start. flexible working time with training provided. Call Kevin 087 1375222
Badminton: I have several people interested we will be in touch asap. You are welcome to join even from the wider area and all fitness levels are welcome.. 087 1375222
Church Notes: Masses & Adoration this week Streete/Rathowen: This coming Sunday is the 32nd Sunday in Ordinary time. Vigil Mass every Saturday in Boherquill at 8 Pm. every Sunday in Rathowen at 10 am. Mass this week Tuesday, Boherquill 9.30 Am. Wednesday Rathowen 9.30 Am Thursday, Rathowen 9.30 Am, adoration 10 to 10.30 Friday Boherquill 8 pm. Adoration 7 – 8pm.
Mass intentions: Please remember in your prayers the souls of Mary Keary, Mary Fox, Paul and Pat Keary. Also, Fr Kevin and Basil Sullivan, Kilmore, whose anniversary mass was last week. This Friday, Anniversary mass for the souls of Bridge and Tom Ennis and DFM of the Smith families. This Saturday, Joe and Annie Devine, Lismacaffrey.
November: The Feast of All Saints, on the 1st of November, and the Feast of All Souls on the 2nd Nov, November, is a time for remembering and praying for our loved ones who have gone before us and whose loss we feel. It is a time when we are particularly conscious of those in our parishes who are grieving and all those families who have lost loved ones in the past year. More than most years, this November will be especially poignant as we remember all those who have died during the COVID-19 pandemic. A book of condolence is open in both churches, you are invited to write the name of family and friends who will be remembered in all masses during the month.
For Mass bookings: or any other enquiries. Please contact Fr. Pierre on 087 6960542.
New Pastoral Committee: A new Pastoral committee will be formed and named in the coming weeks which will incorporate the parishes of Rathowen and Boherquill. Fr Pierre would like to thank the present outgoing committee for the many years of dedicated loyalty and hard work and welcome the new united committee which will serve both parishes.
Rosary continues: Rathowen, every Tuesday at 7 pm and Boherquill every Thursday at 7
Men’s Prayer Group: Every Monday in the church in Boherquill at 8 pm. New participants are always most welcome to join us and receive the support of other men in their prayers and personal life.
Blessing of homes: If anyone would like to have their home and family or car blessed Please contact Fr Pierre on 087 6960542.
NOTES: If you would like to remind us of an upcoming event or would like to have something mentioned in the Streete and District notes, please email kbrady1964@gmail.com or call Kevin 087 1375222 before 5 pm Friday at the latest and remember folks if you don’t tell me I can’t tell them.

Streete Parish Park. All rights reserved.