Local Note Update - 22 Sep 2018

Author: Kevin Brady
Published:  Saturday, September, 22, 2018
Streete & District Notes
HARVEST THANKSGIVING: - takes place om St. James Church of Ireland, Streete Village commencing at 3p.m. on Sunday, 30th September.  As always all are very welcome to attend the thanksgiving and to bring any friends who wish.

CONGRATULATIONS: - to Streete Parish Park Chairman, Declan Carthy and his wife, Tracey on the birth of their 3rd child, a girl, Fiadhwho will be a welcome sister for Jack and Caoimhe.  We wish parents and family a very happy and healthy long life ahead in their home in Ringowney.

BIG BREAKFAST: - we all remember what the great and enjoyable Big Breakfast was, when it took place in Streete Parish Park Centre the last time and the Chairman and committee are delighted to confirm a similar event is arranged to take place in the Centre on Sunday, 21st October between 9.00a.m.-1.00p.m.  Catering will once again be undertaken by John Feerick and his staff from his  hotel in Rathowen.   All will be most welcome and can organise family and friends to join them on the morning.  Tickets will be on sale shortly and if you have any difficulty obtaining a ticket just call Declan 086 8123514, Brian 086 2596656 or any Parish Park member.  Tickets can also be purchased in the shop and pub in Streete if more convenient.

COMMUNITY ALERT: - Meeting will be held in Streete Parish Park on Wednesday October 3rd at 8.30 pm. Garda representatives from Mullingar and Delvin regional division will attend. This is a very important meeting. Gardaí warn of the likely increase in house break-ins and farm yard theft at this time of year because of the cover of darkness as the light fades by, our evenings becoming shorter. The Gardaí ask that we become active and set up a community alert group to inform them of any suspicious activities in our community, they remind us of the importance of being vigilant at all times. All welcome.

Dancing: - Our monthly Social Dance in the Centre took place on Friday night last when a most enjoyable night took place with great music by Nigel Livingstone who comes from Ballyconnell, Co. Cavan.  Watch these notes for details of next month’s dance when the music will be by Philip English.  Details if required from Declan 086 8123514, Kevin 087 1375222, James 086 3125876 or any Parish Park member.  Admission to dance is only €10 which includes free raffle and supper.  Beginners and newcomers are invited for a free Social Dance class in the Centre with Bernie & James professional teachers.  Any details call 086 2003739.

BOHERQUILL RAMBLERS: - On Sunday 16 September 2018 the Ramblers met in glorious sunshine at Taghmon Church for a loop walk through Galmoylestown. Thank you to Frances Nolan who led the walk.
The Ramblers will walk beside the Royal Canal in Longford on Sunday 30 September 2018. Cars will leave Boherquill at 1.30pm and meet at 2pm at the car park behind Dealz in Longford for an out-and-back walk along the canal.
New members are always welcome. For details phone Philip at 087 7753612 or Nini at 086 8754411.
See boherquillramblers.ie

Streete Parish Park. All rights reserved.