Local Note Update 25 March 2023

Author: Kevin Brady
Published:  Saturday, March, 25, 2023
Streete & District Notes

Streete Notes 25th March 2023
SOCIAL DANCE: We remind you this Friday, March 31st we have Music legend, Declan Aungier. Playing in Streete Parish park. Declan is one of the foremost accordion players in the country and has played all over the world. Streete has now become a great fixture on the social dancing circuit. Please come and support us and tell all your friends we are on the last Friday night of every month, dancing from 9.30 with the usual complimentary supper and a free raffle. Meet many new faces and make new friends while enjoying a great night out. admission only €10.
Fine Gael Branch Meeting: A very good turnout for the FG meeting in Streete Parish Park last Thursday night In attendance were representatives of Minister Peter Burke. Councillor Frank McDermott and Councillor Emily Wallace. The Branch secretary Alice Nerney would like to thank all who turned out.
Young Volunteering: The Parish Park Committee would love to help anyone going forward in their career prospects, who may be looking for work experience over the year as part of their School or College placement program. In return students willing to do part-time work experience at the centre will receive their experience log stamped, along with a letter of reference and a small payment contribution. Please contact a committee member or call Kevin, 087 1375222
Badminton: Wednesday at 8.30 pm in Streete Parish Park. New members, improvers and beginners of all ages are welcome to join. Registration €5. Please come along and tell a friend. all ages are welcome, call Maeve at 086 3652445 or Kevin 087 1375222
Parish Park Bingo & Lotto: Please support our Parish Park, hall Bingo on Monday nights at 8.30 or play online from the comfort of your own home. We remind you our lotto is now €5200 Envelopes €2 each or 3 for €5 We hope you will support us and win, win, win,
Walking Track Membership: Single membership is €20, and a family is €30. Gift vouchers are available from the office. please ask any of the Committee or call Kevin 087 1375222. All cheques made payable to Streete Parish Park.
Parish Park Lotto: Monday 13th March 2023 Numbers Drawn 3, 15, 28, 29 No Jackpot Winners 4 Lucky Dip Winners of €25 each Louise Tiernan, Streete Online Anne Creamer, Granard Online Dermot Donnelly, Legan Eoin Kelly c/o Sloweys Legan Thank you for your continued support. Our Next Lotto Draw will take place on Monday 27th March 2023 Jackpot €5200
St. Fintan's N.S. Lismacaffrey: Are now Enrolling for the school year 2023 – 2024. New pupil Enrolment Forms are available for collection from the school. Please call 043 6685233 for more info or Email: stfintansnslismacaffrey@gmail.com
Boherquill Ramblers: Steady drizzle was falling on Sunday 19 March 2023 when the Ramblers met in the car park at the Downs for a walk through Heathstown bog but as the rain continued the walkers decided a walk along the Royal Canal towpath to Mary Lynch’s pub at Coralstown and back was enough exercise for the day. The usual refreshments back at the car park were not put off by the rain, however. On Sunday 2 April 2023, the Ramblers will meet at 2 pm at the church in Newtownforbes for a walk led by Siobhan Hall and Marita MacNerney. If you would like to add a walk, new or old, to this year's Walks Calendar please contact Philip Epps. boherquillramblers.ie
SENIORS ALERT SCHEME: The senior alert monitor is a great benefit to anyone over the age of 65 or someone who has a mobility issue. If you already have a personal monitored alarm, we can organise it to be upgraded free of charge. for more information contact Kevin 087 1375222 Paula 087 9680739
St James’s Church Notes, Streete, Morning Prayer Service will be held in Streete, Sunday, Sunday 2nd of April at 9.15 Am.
Church Notes: Masses and Adoration this week Streete/Rathowen: This coming Sunday is the 13th Sunday in Ordinary time. Vigil Mass every Saturday in Boherquill at 8 Pm. Every Sunday in Rathowen at 10 am. Mass this week Tuesday, Boherquill 9.30 Am. Wednesday Rathowen 9.30 Am Thursday, Rathowen 9.30 Am, adoration 10 to 10.30 Friday Boherquill 8 pm. Adoration 7 – 8 pm. Trocaire boxes are available for collection in both churches.
Upcoming dates to remember: Mass of the Lord’s supper, Holy Thursday Rathowen 8 pm The Lord’s Passion, Good Friday, Boherquill, 7.30 pm. Stations of the cross, Good Friday, Rathowen 7.30 pm. Easter Vigil, Easter Saturday night Boherquill 9 pm. Easter Sunday, Rathowen 10 am.
Palm Sunday, April 2nd and the start of Holy Week. Easter Sunday 9th April, First Holy Communion Rathowen 30th April. Pentecost Sunday, May 28th Blessing of the graves will take place on the 17th of June in Streete, Coolamber and Boherquill. 1st of July in Rathaspic and Russagh.
Mass intentions: Please remember in your prayers the soul of Eilish Tighe and Paddy Tighe Rathowen, whose anniversary mass was last Saturday night. This Friday 31st Memorial Mass in memory of members of Streete Wildlife club This Saturday. 1st Anniversary mass for Lilly and Jack Carty Lisryan. For Mass bookings or any other enquiries. Please contact Fr. Pierre on 087 6960542.
Rosary continues: Rathowen, every Tuesday at 7 pm and Boherquill every Thursday at 7 Pm.
Men’s Prayer Group: Every Monday in the church in Boherquill at 8 pm. New participants are always most welcome.
Blessing of homes: If anyone would like to have their home and family or car blessed, Please contact Fr Pierre on 087 6960542.
NOTES: If you would like to remind us of an upcoming event or would like to have something mentioned in the Streete and District notes, please email kbrady1964@gmail.com or call Kevin 087 1375222 before 5 pm Friday at the latest and remember folks if you don’t tell me I can’t tell them.

Streete Parish Park. All rights reserved.