Author: Kevin Brady
Published:  Wednesday, December, 26, 2018
Streete & District Notes
DEATH: - the death occurred at the Regional Hospital, Mullingar of Noreen Earley nee McLoughlin following a short illness. Noreen, former wife of the late Michael Earley lived for the last number of years  in Newbrook Nursing Home, Mullingar and is survived by her brother, John and sister Mary, nieces, nephews relatives and extended family.  Noreen’s Funeral Mass was celebrated in Turin church and her burial took place in the adjoining cemetery afterwards.  May she rest in peace.

CHRISTMAS TREES: - were on sale in Streete village with monies being donated towards the upkeep of St. James’s Church of Ireland.  Sincere thanks to the butler families and all who supported the purchase of trees.

CAROL SERVICES: - took place in Streete Parish including Boherquill during the festive season.  Thanks to all for their support.

STORM DAMAGE: - The extremely heavy rain and wind before Christmas caused severe damage to the crib, tree etc. outside Streete Parish Park.  We thank Parish Park Chairman, Declan and, Caretaker, Gerry O’Neill who rectified the damage and repaired it in time for Christmas.

St. Fintan's Parents Association: -  would like to give a big thank you to Mr. John Feerick and the staff at Feerick's. Thanks to their generosity and
hard work our family bingo was a smashing success. Seasons Greetings and Happy New year to you
all from St. Fintan's Parents Association.

BOHERQUILL RAMBLERS: - The Ramblers had a chance to try out the renovated walking track at Streete
Parish Park when they based their walk there on Sunday 16 December 2018.
The spring-like weather encouraged them to test the  track after their loop
walk past the ruins of Nugent's Castle near Coolamber, and their afternoon
ended with tea and a selection of buns and biscuits in the Parish Park
thanks to Club President Brian Nerney.
The Ramblers will meet at 11am in Mullaghmeen Forest for their traditional
St. Stephen's Day walk. Cars will leave Boherquill at 10.30am and pause at
the Town and Country pub in Castlepollard at 10.40am before moving on to
On Sunday 30 December the Ramblers will walk in Kilbixy. Cars will leave
Boherquill at 1.30pm and meet at Kilbixy at 2pm for a 6 km road and forest
trails walk.
All Ramblers and their families are wished a Happy and Healthy Christmas
break and a Happy New Year.
New members are always welcome. For details phone Philip at 087 7753612 or
Nini at 086 8754411.
THANKS: - the writer wishes to thank all in many ways in the preparations for the Festive Season and also all those who supported our Lotto and bingo, especially those who volunteer and help out on Monday nights.  We trust your valued support will continue during 2019. I, also on behalf of the Chairman and committee thank the staff of Streete Parish Park and welcome Marie Keary as a staff member who was recently appointed and Marian Denning who continue to be part of the bingo/lotto team.

GREETINGS: - from myself for your notes each week.  Please keep matters of interest coming for inclusion in these notes by email to , by phone to Brian at 086 2596656 or to Parish Park office, Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday. 

Streete Parish Park. All rights reserved.