Local Note Update - 27 Oct 2018

Author: Kevin Brady
Published:  Saturday, October, 27, 2018
Streete & District Notes
SYMPATHY: - We offer sincere sympathy to the extended Reynolds family, Longford on the sudden death of John Reynolds at the very young age of 52 years of age at his residence in Dublin.  John is son of the late Jim Reynolds, Longford Arms Hotel and Mother, Anne Reynolds as well as nephew of former Taoiseach, Albert Reynolds.  May John rest in peace.

BIG BREAKFAST: - as mentioned in last week’s notes our Annual Streete Parish Park Breakfast was a huge success with approximately 350 hot breakfasts served between 8.30 a.m. – 1.30p.m.  Great credit must go to all who helped in so many ways including the Parish Park Chairman and committee.  Milk for the day was donated by local Town of Monaghan milk agent, Enda Murphy.  Bread and spot prizes for raffle were donated.  The proceeds from this event are going towards the complex upkeep and our defibrillator.  We thank John Feerick and also John Rogan for his help.  The whole event would have been more difficult without their cooking equipment and help and we thank all suppliers who donated many supplies and prizes for the day.  I will not give individual names, all of which are with the organizing and the Parish Park committee.  The Parish Park committee includes Chairman, Declan Carthy, Vice Chairman, James Parker as well as Kevin Brady, Pat Duffy, Janet Butler, Sheila Mulleady, Larry Leslie, William McGlynn, Brian Nerney.  Thanks once again to all involved.  Should you wish to support Streete Sports Complex please buy a lotto envelope.  Prices range 2 euro per line, 5 euro for three lines or an annual entry for every draw, 50 euro.

SOCIAL DANCE: - The next Streete Parish Park Social Dance takes place on Friday, November, 16th when music will be supplied by Mary O’Connor & Pat Kelly from 10.30-12.30.  All will be most welcome to attend.   Admission which includes free raffle and supper around 11p.m. is 10 euro,  If your are involved  in any club or group who avail or our services please consider coming along as a club or group, just call Mary or Anne in the office, Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday.  043 6685926.

SOCIAL DANCING CLASSES: - every Sunday night in Streete Parish Park 8p.m.-9.30p.m.  Learn to dance in a Fun and Friendly atmosphere with James & Bernie. Beginners welcome.  Call 086 2003739

COOLAMBER ICA GUILD: - The next meeting of Coolamber ICA Guild will take place in Streete Parish Park on Wednesday 7th November at 8.00p.m. As always new members are very welcome to attend.
The Guild recently completed a set of exercise classes for which we received some Go For Life funding. These classes were facilitated by Marian Masterson and were greatly enjoyed by all.
At the moment members are brushing up on their cookery skills in preparation for the Cookery Cup Competition which will take place at the next Federation Meeting in Longford at the end of November.
Also, we are planning our Christmas outing. Members and friends are travelling to Hotel Kilmore, Cavan on Sunday 9th December for a meal followed by the Phil Coulter concert. Non-members are very welcome to travel and further information can be had from Mary on (087) 6394044.

WALKING TRACK MEMBERSHIP: - As you may have seen in the past week our Parish Park walking track is getting a makeover. The walking track has proved a great success and enjoyed by many from a wide area. The Parish Park Committee would like to thank everyone who paid for membership for the past number of years and would like to remind you that your membership is now due for renewal in January. All members will be contacted in the coming weeks. New member applications forms can be found in the entrance hall of the Parish Park or by calling into the office upstairs Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday from 10 am until 1.30pm. Alternatively, you can pick up Membership application forms in the shop in Lisryan or the shop in Streete. Single membership is €20 and a family is €30. We also remind you this would make a great Christmas present to someone. Gift vouchers are available from the office or please ask any of the Committee or call Declan 086 8123514 or Kevin 087 1375222. All cheques made payable to Streete Parish Park.

COMMUNITY ALERT: - is now active in our area; you can report any suspicious activities to 044 938 4000. Members of the committee will be calling to you over the next number of weeks seeking your co-operation and asking if you would like to join our text alert system, we are asking €10 per household to cover the cost text alerts, new signage etc, we have received a very positive response from the Gardaí in our area and have acted in our call for speeding control at Lismacaffrey School and through Streete village, with speed checks commencing in the next few weeks. Crime prevention officer Paddy Guinan will visit us again on Wednesday night 14th November at 8.30 p.m.to talk about protecting your home your farm and your property, we urge you to attend, we would like to thank the past committee for their hard work and hope we can count on them for their support in the future. Together we can prevent crime and build a better quality of life for all in our community. For more information contact 087 1375222

STREETE BOWLS: - Two of our teams were in action this week. Streete were hosts to Castlepollard at the Streete Complex. In a very tight game, each side winning two games, it ended up 30 points to 29 points in favour of the visiting team. Streete  B played Ballymore A in an away game  on Wednesday night. They had a comprehensive win over the home team scoring four and a half points. Our A team play Mullingar on Sunday night. New and lapsed members welcome.

STREETE WILDLIFE CLUB: - November, 1st  sees the opening of the Pheasant shooting season, so safe shooting to all involved.
Also on Thursday night in Murphy’s crossroads Inn Lisryan the club will hold its pheasant competition for members only, we will also have the landowners draw and the presentation of all prizes for our members clay shoot which was held on Saturday  the 27th of October in the club shooting grounds. Club person of the year will also be presented with the Pat Earley perpetual cup, so Murphy’s is the place to be on Thursday night. 
The clubs winter clay shooting league gets underway on Thursday, the 8th of November all shooters welcome. 

BOHERQUILL RAMBLERS: - The weather was perfect for the Ramblers weekend away in Carlow from Friday, 19th October 2018. The bright sunshine during the walk along the River Barrow from Graiguenamanagh to St. Mullins and back on Saturday highlighted the magnificent autumn colours of the trees in the woodlands covering the hills on each side of the river. Milford to Leighlinbridge and back on Sunday was a shorter walk but also very enjoyable. Some of the group went for a short walk along the riverbank near the hotel on Monday morning in dead calm weather with the riverside trees reflected in the mirror-smooth water.
Many thanks to the staff of the Talbot Hotel in Carlow for the great service and wonderful food. A special thank you to the Ramblers Chair Patricia Bruton who organised the trip with her usual great efficiency.
On Sunday 4 November 2018 the Ramblers will visit Ballinamuck for a walk led by Marian Carty. Cars will leave Boherquill at 1.30pm and meet at 2pm (sharp, please), in the car park beside the Community Centre in Ballinamuck.
New members are always welcome. For details phone Philip at 087 7753612 or Nini at 086 8754411
See boherquillramblers.ie

Streete Parish Park. All rights reserved.