Local Note Update - 29 Jul 2018

Author: Kevin Brady
Published:  Sunday, July, 29, 2018
Streete & District Notes
Boherquill Ramblers: - On Sunday 22 July 2018 the Ramblers met at Mary Lynch's pub at Heathstown near Mullingar for a 9km walk out through Heathstown bog and back along the towpath of the Royal Canal. Lots of butterflies were spotted in the heat of the afternoon including
crowds of painted lady butterflies and caterpillars on the clumps of ragwort in the bog and along the Canal a heron stood motionless on a group of stones at the water's edge. The water level in the Royal Canal was unusually low, maybe as a result of the continuing drought.
Thank you to Declan Leonard who led the walk and organised the refreshments in Mary Lynch's after the walk.
The Ramblers will take their usual August break so they will next meet on 2 September 2018 for a walk from Newtowncashel to Saint's Island and back.
All Ramblers and their families are wished a very relaxing and enjoyable August break.
See boherquillramblers.ie

BASKETBALL: - summer camp organised by Streete Warriors Club takes place in Streete Parish Park Sports Complex from 7th-10th of August and the cost to join is €60.  Details on a poster in the centre or see facebook.  For any further details please phone Teresa Daly.  This will be a very well organised and supervised camp.   Sadly summer is marching on and as stated last week I advise anyone wishing to join and take part to contact Teresa straight away.

LOTTO/BINGO: - takes place in Streete Parish Park Community Centre.  Bingo at 8.30p.m. on Monday nights and Lotto during bingo every second Monday night when great prizes are on offer.  This is what helps fund our Centre and Sports Complex.  It is amazing the amount of use our Centre gets especially this fine weather with outdoor games as can be seen any day you pass.  We ask, especially parents support this great Complex and the volunteers who look after it by purchasing a lotto envelope when you see one, it is only €2 for a line, €5 for 3 lines and an annual envelope to make sure you are in each

PHONE NUMBER: - many have requested the phone number for the office in the Centre at the Parish Park and it is 043 6685926.  The office is only open by the staff – TuesdayWednesday, and Thursday 10.00a.m.-2.00p.m. each week.  Typing, copying, tickets, posters, emails, etc. etc. available just phone Mary or Anne at the office number beforehand.

BOOKINGS: - to book the hall, meeting room or any of our facilities please phone the office, 043 6685926, Tracey 087 9287129 or Declan 086 8123514 any day as well in advance as possible.  We are now entering August, so before School starts again why not use some of our facilities in Streete Parish Park.

WALKS: - as always there are no organised Boherquill Ramblers’ walks on Sunday’s for the month of August as it is felt this is a holiday month and is a time when families like to be free.  Have a good and safe time, everyone.

PRESENTATION: - of monies raised at the recently held Philip Moran Memorial Tractor Run will take place in Feericks Hotel, Rathowen on Friday, August, 24th.  Music by Finbar Coady.  More details nearer the date.

Streete Parish Park. All rights reserved.