04 May 2019

Author: Kevin Brady
Published:  Saturday, May, 4, 2019
Streete & District Notes


The AGM of Streete Parish Park takes place in the Centre on Sunday next, May, 12th at 7p.m.  This has been mentioned in these notes previously, but once again we give a reminder as we depend on our local support to keep this wonderful Complex and Walkway if we are to continue our facilities to the existing standard so don’t let us down.

Community Workshop

A Community Workshop will be held in Cnoc Mhuire's school gym at 8pm on Monday May 13th. It will be facilitated by Bernie Carroll from Pieta House, Eddie Ward form HSE and Granard's Family Resource Centre. Parents and students over 18 yrs can attend and any interested members of the public.

Free Local CPR Training

The Irish Heart Foundation have a new programme out called Hands for Life which is free to all interested. The Irish Heart Foundation are endeavouring to teach 1000’s of us some very important Life Saving Skills and how to perform CPR.  The course includes:

  • Recognising Cardiac Arrest
  • Making a 112 call
  • Practise CPR
  • Recognising Stroke and Heart Attack
  • Choking and child CPR and much more..
  • This course is free for all interested.

The Course takes place in Streete Parish Park Community Centre on Wednesday,  22nd May. The times are as follows:

  • 5.00 p.m.
  • 6.30 p.m.
  • 8.00 p.m.

If interested please contact Sheila on 0868637000 or Streete Parish Park (Tracy) 087 9287129 14th May. Thiscourse is available to all so please spread the word to any clubs committees, or school Groups in all surrounding areas

“A life Saving Skill is a skill learned for Life”.

Boherquill Ramblers

On Sunday 28 April the Ramblers walked 14km of the Leafy Loop at Durrow, County Laois, a wonderful mix of woodland, forest and the banks of two rivers, the Nore and the Erkina. The woods presented a beautiful picture with fresh new leaves on the trees and masses of blue bells and white-flowered wild garlic beneath. The weary group finally arrived back in the attractive centre of Durrow for some very welcome refreshments in the Castle Arms Hotel.

Thank you to Salmon's Coaches and their driver Alan Salmon who provided transport for the day. Thanks also to the staff of Abbeyleix Heritage Centre for opening their facilities for the club en route to the start of the walk.

The Boherquill Ramblers 2019 Walking Festival will be held on the weekend of 10 May, 2019. It will open on Friday, 10 May with a walk in the grounds of Tullynally Castle near Castlepollard. Registration at 6.30pm at the car park outside the castle courtyard and the walk will begin at 7pm. There will be tea and scones in the Castle Tea Rooms after the walk.

There will be a 10km walk in Mullaghmeen Forest on Saturday with registration at the Hotel Castlepollard at 10am and the walk will begin in Mullaghmeen at 11am. Please bring a packed lunch, walking boots and a hi-vis vest.

The Festival will close with a walk starting at 11am in Fore on Sunday 12 May, following registration at Jane's Coffee Shop in Fore at 10.30am. Please bring a packed lunch. Walking boots and a hi-vis vest should be worn. No dogs are allowed. Registration will be €10 each day on Friday and Saturday and €20 on Sunday (€30 for a family) or €30 for all three walks.

There will be drop-out points during the walks on Saturday and Sunday with transport back to base. Fruit and bottled water will be on offer.  All are welcome.

New members and new walks are always welcome. For details phone Philip at 087 7753612 or Nini at 086 8754411.  See boherquillramblers.ie

Dancing Lessons

With James & Bernie every Sunday night in Streete Parish Park starting at 8.00p.m. Any enquiries to 086 2008739.


As previously mentioned the launch of this year’s Vintage Weekend takes place in Murphy’s Crossroads Inn, Lisryan on Saturday, 25th h May and our Tractor run earlier on the same day. Any further details Brian 086 2596656 or John Parker 086 8301347.


The numbers drawn in Streete Parish Park Lotto Draw held on the 22nd April were: - 3,5,16 20 and the winners were Mary Dolan, Pat Cooke and Bridget Tighe.  Thanks to all for your continued support of our lotto.

Streete Parish Park. All rights reserved.