Local Note Update - 07 Oct 2018

Author: Kevin Brady
Published:  Sunday, October, 7, 2018
Streete & District Notes
DEATH: - we send our sincere sympathy to the Farrell family, Rathowen on the death of Marcella Farrell, formerly of Petitswood, Mullingar, who died peacefully, after a short illness at Mullingar Regional Hospital. Predeceased by Rosamund, Hubert, Joe, Tom and Kitty. She is survived by her husband, Luke, son Edward, daughters Mary, Anita and Elizabeth, grandchildren and her extended family neighbours and friends.   Removal took place to St. Mary's Church, Rathowen, on Wednesday, October 3rd, followed by Funeral Mass on Thursday, October 4th, at 12 noon, with burial afterwards in Abbeyshrule Cemetery. May she rest in peace.

STREETE BOWLS CLUB: The Westmeath League is up and running. All teams were in action last week. At the Streete Complex Streete A and C hosted Tyrrellspass A and B. The Streete A team had a hard fought win over Tyrrellspass B. whilst  Streete C, despite playing well were beaten by Tyrrellspass A. The following night Streete B were in Castlepollard . However, despite drawing by two games all, lost out on the bonus point.
Streete A -Team1: Catherine Costello, Seamus Moran and  Liam Connaughton. Team 2: Mick Turner, Sean Flood and Jimmy Leavy. Come along to the Streete complex any Tuesday night if you would like to get involved in bowling. A night of fun is guaranteed.

SOCIAL DANCING: - Our next Social Dancing is on Friday, 19th October in Streete Parish Park.  Music by the ever popular Philip English.  Dancing 10p.m. to 12.30. Free supper and raffle on the night.  Tell your friends to come along and enjoy a good night’s entertainment.

SOCIAL DANCING CLASSES: - every Sunday night in Streete Parish Park 8p.m.-9.30p.m.  Learn to dance in a Fun and Friendly atmosphere with James & Bernie. Beginners welcome.  Call 086 2003739

BOHERQUILL RAMBLERS: - ; - The abandoned branch of the Royal Canal in Longford which leads out south-west  from near the town centre to the open countryside was the route for the Ramblers walk on Sunday 30 September 2018. Near the town the towpath was lined with oak and beautiful old beech trees which were starting to show their autumn colours with contrasting evergreen blocks of laurel on one stretch. The occupiers of the bat boxes in the trees were not to be seen but there were many ducks and moorhens grouped beside the footpath.
The Ramblers will explore a walk new to them in Deerpark, Virginia, County Cavan on Sunday 14 October 2018. Joe Masterson will lead the 10km road and forest track walk beside Lough Ramor. Cars will leave Boherquill at 1pm and pause outside the Town and Country pub in Castlepollard at 1.10pm before moving on to meet in the Lidl car park in Virginia to start the walk at 2pm. Please take note of the early start.
New members are always welcome. For details phone Philip at 087 7753612 or Nini at 086 8754411.
See boherquillramblers.ie

CARERS ASSOCIATION: - are holding a Table Quiz in Burke’s Bar Coole on Saturday 27th October, followed by Cheque Presentation to the Longford Westmeath Family Carers unit. This is a very worthy cause and we ask anyone from the parish who can make up a table or two to please attend. Your support would be very welcome.

COMMUNITY ALERT: - meeting was held in the Parish Park last Wednesday night, a good turn out on the night although, in fairness it could have been better. A new working committee was elected and I am glad to report the group are working on a new plan at the moment. Next community alert meeting will be held on Wednesday 17th at 8.30 in the Parish Park. This is an important meeting with members of the special crime unit and community Garda on hand to answer questions on all your safety concerns, both on home security and farmyard theft. A new crackdown called operation Thor which has now commenced throughout the Midlands has been welcomed. It is also sad to hear the news that in recent weeks a number of brake inns have occurred in our neighbouring parishes and one attempted theft at a farm yard locally. This goes to prove we must come together as a community and be vigilant at all times. If you see any suspicious activity please report it as soon as possible to 044 9384000. If you would like to become involved, call 087 1375222. More next week.

BIG BREAKFAST: - as mentioned last week we all look forward to Streete
Parish Park Big Breakfast which takes place this year on Sunday, 21st October between 9a.m. and 1p.m.  Food will be cooked this year thanks to Sheila Reilly and Catriona Carthy with the help of Feericks Hotel, Rathowen.  Tickets are on sale from this weekend at €10 each and can be purchased from the office upstairs in the Centre and members of the committee will also be calling door to door.  Last year’s event was a wonderful success and we trust you can support us by attending.  Friends and relations are welcome to attend, which will make it more enjoyable.
The Parish Park phone number is 043 6685926 or Declan’s number 086 8123514.

Streete Parish Park. All rights reserved.