Local Note Update - 08 Jul 2018

Author: Kevin Brady
Published:  Sunday, July, 8, 2018
Streete & District Notes

SOCIAL DANCING: - takes place in Streete Parish Park Centre on Friday, 20th July.  Dancing from 10p.m.-12.30 and music will be supplied on the night by David Kiernan.  Admission including raffle and supper is €10.  We would love to see an increase in attendance, so maybe you might give it some thought and come along on Friday, 20th.  All welcome and there is lots of car parking space.  Please tell your friends and they might come along for a good night’s entertainment.

BOOKING: - to book the centre or any of our facilities just call Tracey, 087 9287129 or Declan 086 8123514.

LOTTO/BINGO:  draws takes place during bingo every Monday night and Lotto every second Monday night during bingo.  Envelopes are available on the night or in Fiddlers Green Shop, Streete for anyone wishing to bring some home, it may be your lucky week!

COLLECTION: - please note the Annual Church Gate Collection in aid of the Asthma Society of Ireland will take place in Boherquill on Saturday of next week, 21st  July.  Proceeds from this collection which covers Streete & Rathowen go towards maintaining the Asthma Advice line, Asthma Clinics, School talks etc. for the 470,000 people with asthma in Ireland, so your support will be greatly appreciated and of great help.  The writer of these notes has received a Garda Permit for the collection and has been issued and received together with an acknowledgement for last year’s collection from Sarah O’Connor C.E.O. Asthma Ireland.

Boherquill Ramblers 

The Ramblers did not walk on Sunday 1 July 2018 because of the very hot weather.
On Sunday 15 July the group will visit Lilliput beside Lough Ennell for a 10km road and cross-country walk. Boots should be worn as the ground will be rough in places and no dogs are allowed as farmland will be crossed. Cars will leave Boherquill at 1.30pm and meet at Jonathan Swift Park in Lilliput at 2pm.
See boherquillramblers.ie 

Streete Parish Park. All rights reserved.