Author: Kevin Brady
Published:  Sunday, December, 9, 2018
Streete & District Notes
STREETE BOWLS: - Streete Bowls in association with Longford /Westmeath Bowls hosted the County Singles competition on Sunday 2nd. December in the Streete Complex. Sixty competitors and a number of spectators turned up for the event. Bowling started just after 2 p.m. with eleven mats in use. The standard of bowling continues to improve each year and this year was the best yet. When the dust had settled the following players qualified for the semi-finals - Mick Lynch and Ger. O'Neill from Tyrrellspass were joined by Liam Connaughton and Martin Gaynor from Streete. Mick Lynch ousted Martin Gaynor whilst Liam Connaughton edged out Ger. O'Neill to set up the dream final. In a cliff-hanger each player matched each other shot for shot, with the lead changing several times. Eventually the game went down to the final bowl with Mick edging ahead- a well deserving winner. Mick last won this title in 2010. Well done to all the competitors who participated and made this such a successful event. A special word of thanks to Catherine, Phyllis and Lily who helped with the catering. The club is running the Christmas Doubles competition and hope to have it completed next week. Our annual Christmas party night takes place in the Rustic Inn Abbeyshrule on Saturday night. New members welcome.

BOHERQUILL RAMBLERS: - The Ramblers met in heavy rain at Ballinea Bridge on the Royal Canal just outside Mullingar for their walk on Sunday 2 December 2018. The rain soon stopped however as the group walked the towpath to Coolnahay and back. Along the way a family of swans with four youngsters not yet in all-over adult white plumage were too busy feeding to pay much attention to the people on the bank.  
On Sunday 16 December the Ramblers will meet at 2pm at Streete Parish Park for a loop walk on roads in the area. 
Please note there will be no walk on Sunday 23 December 2018 but the Ramblers will meet at 11am in Mullaghmeen Forest for their traditional St.  Stephen's Day walk.
New members are always welcome. For details phone Philip at 087 7753612 or Nini at 086 8754411.

SCHOOL: -  Please note the following which I received from St. Fintan’s National School, Lismacaffrey notifying us that this year’s, and I quote “fundraiser is a family Bingo Night on 14th December at 7p.m. in Feericks Hotel, Rathowen & Santa will visit and the Christmas Draw will also take place Your continued support is greatly appreciated.  This bingo is different and is suitable for young people.  All welcome “

BROADBAND: - The writer regrets that some people had difficulty in making contact recently which was due to outside phone line.  Thanks to eircom this has been rectified and phone and emails are working again.  Emails can be sent to or to Anne at I regret any inconvenience caused.

ANNUAL CAROL SERVICE: - takes place in St. James’s Church, Streete on Sunday, 16th December at 4.00p.m.   Everybody welcome.
NON SHED CHRISTMAS TREES; - for sale costing €50.  All proceeds from the sale of these trees goes towards the upkeep of St. James’s Church.  For any further information please contact Fred on 087 1911392.

TRAD NIGHT; - this is a reminder  that Jim Phelan is hosting a Trad night on this Thursday night, 13th December in his Fiddlers Green pub in Streete Village with international group “Broken Pokers” direct from Australia on their Irish Tour and  on Saturday, 22nd December Jim is hosting a customer appreciation night including finger food, raffle and music.  Please pass on the word as all are welcome and a great opportunity to start the pre-Christmas atmosphere and means that Streete village and Fiddlers Green is the place to start the Festive Season celebrations.

STREETE PARISH PARK LOTTO: - results of Lotto 3rd December are as follows.  Numbers drawn in last week’s lotto draw were 9,18,20 30. Winners were Paul Nolan c/o C&D Petfoods,  Megan Tighe and Ann Marie & Michelle Dolan, Lisryan.  Next lotto draw will be held on December, 17th with the jackpot at €15,000.  Thank you for your continued support of our Lotto.

PLAY: - thanks to all who supported Seamus O’Rourke’s play “And Thank You” in Streete Parish Park Centre on Saturday, 1st December,  written and performed by the author and it was a great success.  Monies from this event go towards necessary repairs to the parochial House in Boherquill. The raffle was looked after by Fr. Nigel and members of the pastoral Council who thanked all present for their attendance and support.  Tea and cakes were organised by the pastoral Council and an enjoyable night was had by all.

SANTA’S POST BOX;  Santa’s magic post box has arrived at the Parish Park and we are very honoured to have been selected by Santa Claus this year again, as the drop off point for all the little boys and girls Santa letters. 
Santa has assured us if you post your letter early in his special magic post box at the Parish Park, remembering to put your name and address on the letter, he will do his best to answer your letter personally and no child will be left out, so please get your letters posted A.S.A.P. We wish all children and parents a very happy Christmas. If you have any unwanted decorations that would help to make our Community Centre look nice for Christmas or you want to make a donation please call Declan 086 8123514, James 086 3125876 or Kevin 087 1375222 or drop into the girls in the office Tues to Thursday 10 till 2 pm.

STREETE SOCIAL DANCING: - Our next Social Dance in Streete Parish Park is on Friday, 21st December.  This is a great opportunity to meet up with family and friends prior to Christmas. Free raffle and refreshments on the night.  Come along for a good night’s entertainment. We wish a very happy Christmas to all our readers.

SOCIAL DANCING CLASSES: - every Sunday night in Streete Parish Park 8p.m.-9.30p.m.  Learn to dance in a Fun and Friendly atmosphere with James & Bernie. Beginners welcome.  Call 086 2003739

Streete Parish Park. All rights reserved.