19 February 2019

Author: Kevin Brady
Published:  Tuesday, February, 19, 2019
Streete & District Notes

Streete Bowls

The three Streete teams were in action last week at the Streete Complex. Streete A had Ballymore as their visitors. After a slow start Streete eventually emerged victorious. On the same night Streete B and C went head to head. In a nail-biting encounter, both teams won two games each with the C team getting the bonus point by two shots 31 to 29.

Streete C Team 1 Paul Holdroyd, Francis Butler and Pat Kelly. Team 2 Marie Delamere, Martin Gaynor and Micheál Gillen. All the club members would like to wish Sean Flood a speedy recovery after a recent farm accident and also Jimmy Duffy who is recuperating after an operation. Finally we extend condolences to Mullingar bowler Kevin Nolan on the passing of his wife Joan. May she rest in peace.

Streete Wildlife Club

Would like to take this opportunity to thank the following who donated prizes for our Game Tasting night; all proceeds will be donated to the Irish heart foundation.

  • The Diamond Coast hotel Enniscrone County Sligo
  • The Bloomfield house hotel Mullingar
  • Caffreys Pig producers, Mountnugent
  • The pikers Lodge Gowna. Hotel Castlepollard
  • Bernie's Hair saloon Castlepollard
  • Ferrick's Hotel, Rathowen
  • ROR Tractor Parts Granard
  • Hugh O’Hara, PJ Reilly MCC. Streete Parish Committee
  • Brendan and Mary Mulligan
  • Michael and Edel Kiernan
  • Peter Murphy, New York
  • Dympna  Murphy, Murphy's Crossroads Inn.

A special word of thanks to Sally Murray, Michael and Velinda Brady, Dympna Murphy who done a wonderful job on preparing the food. Also to Angela Mulligan who helped out with the draw on the night.

If there is anybody who would still like to make a donation feel free by contacting any member of Streete Wildlife Club. Our spring league got up and running last Thursday night with 60 guns taking part, Ronan Quinn Moydow finished high gun on the night with a score of 38 /40. Monaghan man Malcolm Graham finished 10/10 on the Ball Trap. The league will run for the next 6 weeks all shooters welcome.

New Year Get Fit- Stay Fit Program

Has now started in Streete Parish Park on Friday evening at 7 pm. Barry Webb a Professional Trainer with great experience working with sports partnerships in Longford and Westmeath is offering personal Weight Loss and Fitness Instruction.

Barry’s co-partner Shannon who is also a fitness instructor assisted in the weigh in and working out a personal fitness and diet plan best suited to each person who attended. Barry tells me he had a full class and welcomes new comers to sign up any Friday evening at 6.15 before the class starts at 7. The class is open to Men and Women of all ages. We are delighted to have Barry come on board with the Parish Park to offer this great service.

Anyone who valued Weightwatchers will welcome Barry’s personal program focused on you on a one to one basis. Each program will run for six weeks at a time starting with a weight in and a strategic plan drawn up for you to manage your food and inspire you to take part in a weekly fitness program in the Parish Park. The cost of the six-week program is €50 which is fantastic value when you consider you have your own personal trainer to mentor you along the way.

Tell your friends and come along to see for yourself. Barry suggests you come in suitable working out gear and soft footwear and remember to bring a bottle of water. For more call Barry on 085 770 8679 to book your place.

Walking Track Membership

It is great to see new members joining up to use our walking track. The walking track has proved a great success and enjoyed by many from a wide area. The Parish Park Committee would like to thank everyone who paid for membership for the past number of years and would like to remind you that your membership is now due for renewal. All members will be contacted in the coming weeks. New member application forms can be found in the entrance hall of the Parish Park or by calling into the office upstairs Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday from 10 am until 2 pm.

Alternatively you can pick up a membership application form in the shop in Lisryan or the shop in Streete. Single membership is €20 and a family is €30. We also remind you this facility is a huge benefit to our community. We have had some reports of dog fowling over the past year. This may have been one offs but if you see deliberate dog fowling allowed by it owner we ask you to please report to any of our committee or in the office or call Declan 086 8123514 or Kevin 087 1375222. All cheques made payable to Streete Parish Park.

Walking track enhancement The parish Park committee would welcome your views on ways we could improve the walking track and its surroundings. We have a price in for seating and awaiting a price for bins. As part for future development we think a unique feature where people could admire or pay respect might be a possibility.

This is your chance to have an input. We would also encourage the school children to put something forward as a vision of the future, a memory of the past or the times we live in. It would be great if the parents and teachers alike could join in to create something wonderful. Your views to Declan 086 8123514 or Kevin 087 1375222.

Drop In Morning

The second such morning took place in Streete parish Park Centre last Thursday, 7th February from 11a.m.-12.30p.m.  and was a great success with seventeen people from the parish attending, which was a great improvement from four first get together which took place in January.  A similar get together will take place on 7th March, which will be the first Thursday of the month between 11a.m.-1p.m. and hopefully at the same time each month.

Thanks to Anne, Mary and Marie as well as Gerry, all staff members at the Park.  The gathering was attended by Chairman, Declan whom we thank for use of the facility.  Tea, coffee etc. was available and a great number of interesting topics were discussed and quite a few laughs during the morning.  Should you have been there please pass on the word.


During our get together last Thursday a discussion took place regarding the defibrillator at the Park and the majority showed a great interest in getting trained on how to use this life saving device, as soon as possible.  If interested in attending a demonstration or training session please contact Kevin 087 1375222 or Brian 086 2596656 and our Parish Park Chairman, Declan will get things moving.

If no reply on Brian’s phone please leave your name and mobile number or email brian.nerney@gmail.com and it will be followed up.

POST CODE: - appears on the defibrillator and is important to help an ambulance.  The Post Code for Streete Parish Park is N91 RC43 – please save this number.

Social Dance

The next Social Dance takes place in Streete Parish Park on this Friday, 15th February and music will be applied by the ever popular, Matt Leavy with the usual complimentary supper and free raffle.  Numbers have increased at the last social night with many new faces attending and enjoying the night with comfort and lots of space, so think about it and should you decide to come along you will be most welcome.  Dancing from 10p.m.-12.30 with admission €10.

Dancing Lessons

With James & Bernie every Sunday night in Streete Parish Park starting at 8.00p.m. Any enquiries to 086 2008739.


A vintage meeting took place at Streete Parish Park Complex last week.  This year’s date is Sunday, 30th June and details will appear in these notes in next week’s edition of this paper.

Boherquill Ramblers

The Ramblers met at Streete Parish Park for their AGM on Sunday, 3 February, 2019.  Chairperson Patricia Bruton has stepped down from her post, but remains a committed member of the Club.  Alice Nerney led the thanks on behalf of all members for the great work she has done on the Committee over the years, often quietly in the background.

The Ramblers owe Patricia a huge debt of gratitude, and look forward to her continuing involvement.  Eileen Moreton is the new Chairperson with Declan Leonard as Vice-Chair. Nini Murray remains as Secretary, Mary McHugh and Alice Nerney as Joint Treasurers and Philip Epps as PRO.  Reports delivered highlighted another busy and successful year, with local walks and weekends away. Thanks were passed on from Eamon Carthy of St. Christopher's Services for the support of the club at recent fundraising events.

The Ramblers will visit Abbeylara for a 10 km road and farm track walk on Sunday 17 February 2019. Cars will leave Boherquill at 1.30pm and meet in Abbeylara at 2pm.

Club members who are joining the trip to Wales for the 2019 June Bank Holiday weekend are asked to pay the balance of the full price to Nini Murray by the end of March 2019.

New members and new walks are always welcome. For details phone Philip at 087 7753612 or Nini at 086 8754411or see boherquillramblers.ie

Streete Parish Park. All rights reserved.